• 肯尼迪遗孀生前采访

    23-01-29 肯尼迪总统遗孀杰奎琳-肯尼迪在肯尼迪总统被刺杀仅4个月后录制的一段录音采访内容近日被公开。在长达8小时的磁带中,美国最著名的第一夫人透露了她对一些人的看法。 In the eight hours of relaxed chat between Jacqueline Kennedy and an historian some candid mome...

  • 《加勒比海盗5:死无对证》精彩片段对白

    22-12-26 Carina: Mutiny? You had to suggest a mutiny? Henry: Carina, the dead are coming. Carina: Well, I choose not to believe in supernatural nonsense. Henry: Do you not see whats behind us? (SEAGULLS CAWING) Salazars crew member: Drop them. Drop them. (FL...

  • lurker 潜水党

    22-09-23 自从微信出现后,各种群聊越来越多,比如,同学群、同事群、家庭群、代购群 虽然建群的目的各不相同,但是所有的群聊都有一个共同点那就是潜水党。 入群久了你会发现,一个群里总是只有几个活跃分子,其他人大多时候都是既不说话,也不退群,默默潜水。 潜水党,网络流...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 27

    22-07-18 Weeks had two little rooms at the back of Frau Erlins house, and one of them, arranged as a parlour, was comfortable enough for him to invite people to sit in. After supper, urged perhaps by the impish humour which was the despair of his friends in...

  • 聊天,闲聊

    22-04-25 Chat 聊天 I just had a chat with Benny. 我刚刚在和Benny聊天。 Chitchat 闲聊 Everyones hands are full recently, we dont even have time for chitchat. 大家最近都很忙,连聊天的时间都没有。 Small talk 闲谈 Making small talk is an art that can be learned....