• 黑猩猩的智力主要取决于基因

    14-07-14 A chimpanzee's intelligence is largely determined by its genes, while environmental factors may be less important than scientists previously thought, according to a Georgia State University research study. The study found that some, but not all, cog...

  • 黑猩猩具有公平感

    13-01-15 Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, are the first to show chimpanzees possess a sense of fairness that has previously been attributed as uniquely human. Working with colleagues from Georgia State University,...

  • 黑猩猩出生时大脑未发育完全

    11-08-13 In both chimpanzees(黑猩猩) and humans, portions of the brain that are critical for complex cognitive functions, including decision-making, self-awareness and creativity, are immature at birth. But there are important differences, too. Baby chimpa...

  • 民主刚果火山爆发 威胁珍稀黑猩猩生存

    10-01-03 Lava from a volcano in a sparsely populated area of the Democratic Republic of Congo is threatening rare chimpanzees, wildlife officials say. 民主刚果野生动物保护官员称,境内爆发的火山岩浆正威胁着稀有黑猩猩的生存。 Mount Nyamulagira, 25km (16 miles)...
