• 巴黎圣母院大火可能由香烟或电路故障引起

    19-06-27 A badly stubbed-out cigarette or an electrical fault could have started the devastating fire that ripped through Notre-Dame cathedral in April, Paris prosecutors said Wednesday, ruling out any criminal intent. 巴黎检控官周三表示,燃烧的香烟或电路故...

  • 平壤动物园有只大猩猩会用打火机点烟抽烟

    16-11-04 According to officials at the newly renovated zoo, which has become a favorite leisure spot in Pyongyang since it re-opened in July, the 19-year-old female chimpanzee, whose name in Korean is Dallae, smokes about a pack a day. Dallae is short for az...

  • 吸电子烟的美国青少年越来越多

    14-12-16 E-cigarette use among teenagers is growing in the U.S., and Hawaii teens take up e-cigarette use at higher rates than their mainland counterparts, a new study by University of Hawaii Cancer Center researchers has found. The findings come as e-cigare...

  • 菲利普莫里斯将关闭澳洲工厂

    14-04-02 Tobacco giant Philip Morris says it will cease production of cigarettes at its factory in Moorabbin, Australia. 烟草巨头菲利普莫里斯称,旗下位于澳大利亚穆拉宾的工厂将停产。 The closure of the factory, which has been in operation for nearly 60 years,...

  • 苏格兰孕妇吸烟率高达20%

    13-06-11 More pregnant woman are trying to give up smoking, according to the Scottish government. 据英国BBC6月2日报道:苏格兰公共医疗机构预计,几乎有20%的女性在妊娠期间继续吸烟。 Official figures suggested the number of quit attempts rose last year by about...

  • 爱尔兰推控烟新举措 香烟统一包装

    13-06-02 爱尔兰政府将推出控烟新举措,所有香烟产品将使用统一标志和朴素包装,凡是在爱尔兰销售的香烟产品,其包装上均不得出现商标和品牌标志。爱尔兰也将由此成为欧盟首个禁止香烟包装上出现品牌标志的国家。 Ireland is to become the first country in the European Union...

  • 纽约警方破获香烟走私集团

    13-05-17 New York officials say they have busted a multi-million dollar cigarette smuggling ring. 纽约官员称,他们破获一个价值数百万美元的香烟走私集团。 About 20,000 cartons were brought to New York per week by distributors Officials allege that three of the...

  • 澳法院禁止烟草公司在烟盒展示标志

    12-08-18 澳大利亚最高法院本周三通过一项法案,禁止烟草公司在生产的香烟盒上展示其特有标志。自今年12月起,所有香烟盒将换成统一的橄榄绿背景,配以因癌症溃烂的口腔、失明的眼珠以及病弱儿童等警示性图片。 Australia has urged other countries to adopt the world's tough...

  • 清晨吸烟增加患肺癌、头颈癌几率

    11-08-09 Two new studies have found that smokers who tend to take their first cigarette soon after they wake up in the morning may have a higher risk of developing lung and head and neck cancers than smokers who refrain from(克制,抑制) lighting up right a...

  • 美国香烟盒将出现恐怖警示标识

    11-06-25 Rotting teeth and gums. Diseased lungs. A sewn-up corpse of a smoker. Cigarette smoke coming out of the tracheotomy hole in a man's neck. 腐烂的牙齿和牙龈,病变的肺,吸烟者被缝合上的尸体,从男人脖子上的气管套管洞中飘出的烟。 Cigarette packs in the U...