• out on a limb 处于危境、孤立无援

    21-07-22 当你处于 out on a limb 的情况时,这就是说你处于一个孤立无援或者是比较危险的状态。这并不意味你的身体将受到伤害,而更多的是指一个人的处境不利,会造成尴尬或者失望。 例句 Im going to go out on a limb here and tell you that I love you. She really went ou...

  • basis和base的区别

    21-05-26 由于这两个词的复数形式 bases 或者 bases, B A S E S 的发音和 basis, B A S I S 很像,而且 basis 和 base 的含义也有重叠的地方,所以有一些朋友们搞不清楚什么时候应该用哪一个。我们下面就来帮助大家区分它们的主要用法。 首先,名词 basis 只能用来表达抽象层面...

  • 篇幅虽短但令人爱不释手的8本小说

    21-05-26 《都柏林人》 Dubliners A collection of short stories by James Joyce, about the life of Irish middle class at the beginning of the 20th century. The stories share a common narrative element, epiphany, where characters experience a life-changing illum...

  • 有什么行之有效的学习习惯

    21-04-06 Space out your studying efforts. 用功学习要留有间隔时间。 Create a study schedule. 建立自己的学习日程表。 Have a specific goal for every study session. 每次学习都要有一个明确的目标。 Organize your academic material efficiently. 整理好你的学习材料以...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 1

    21-01-24 CHRISTIE. AUNT BETSEY, theres going to be a new Declaration of Independence. Bless and save us, what do you mean, child? And the startled old lady precipitated a pie into the oven with destructive haste. I mean that, being of age, Im going to take c...

  • 关于学习的习语和短语 2

    20-12-29 Hit the books 开始学习 Meaning: to study 意义:学习 Example: I cant go out this weekend, I have to hit the books because an exam is coming up. 这个周末我不能出去,因为考试就要来了,我不得不看书。 Piece of cake 小菜一碟 Meaning: something easy 意思是...

  • 永远不要以貌取人

    20-12-15 I am a 27 year old trying to go back to college after a long break from any formal schooling. I am taking a college algebra class and struggling to keep up. I sit behind a young man who upon first glance looks like a thug or overall someone I would...

  • Little Women - Chapter 44

    20-09-28 Please, Madam Mother, could you lend me my wife for half an hour? The luggage has come, and Ive been making hay of Amys Paris finery, trying to find some things I want, said Laurie, coming in the next day to find Mrs. Laurence sitting in her mothers...

  • 《X战警:天启》精彩语句

    17-07-07 1. Top marks, everyone. 大家回去以后好好准备。 2. Class dismissed. 现在可以下课了。 3. You look well. Its been a while. 好久不见,看上去不错。 4. Spit-spot, back to bed. 快回到自己床上去。 5. Yes and no. 不全然。 6. The way you ape human behavior is...

  • napercise 睡眠课程

    17-06-20 In Britain, a chain of gyms is trading its spinning bikes for beds to attract tired parents for a new class its dubbing napercise . 英国一家连锁健身俱乐部把动感单车换成了床,以此来吸引疲惫的父母参加新推出的睡眠课程。 It is a class where instead of w...