• 《海底总动员-1》第21章

    23-01-18 Marlin and Dory swam around, searching for Nemo. Finally Dory cried, There! Nemo lay buried under the tangled fishing net on the floor of the ocean. Nemo! Marlin gasped as they pushed the heavy net off his son. Marlin thought back to that horrible d...

  • Are you there? 你在听吗?

    22-11-15 Are you there? 这句话并不是问你的人在不在那儿,而是你的心思在不在那儿,它的真正意思就是你在听我说话吗。 Are you there? 你在听吗? =Are you listening to me? 你在听我说吗? Where was I? 我说到哪了? 说话被人打断后,我们很容易忘记刚刚说到哪了,这时候你...

  • 讲座 lecture

    22-11-10 大学新生入学后即会开始紧张的学习生活。英国大学校园里最常见的授课形式就是讲座 lecture。 1. When its time to attend your lecture, where do you need to go to? a) lecture room b) classroom c) lecture theatre d) all of the above 2. What do you call a cla...

  • 《头脑特工队》第6章

    22-09-02 Chapter 6 Dont worry, said Joy. I got this. She stepped in and pushed a lever on the console. Riley smiled as she stood up and spoke to the class. My name is Riley Anderson, she said. Im from Minnesota. And now I live here. And how about Minnesota?...

  • 一些能让你彬彬有礼的小技巧

    22-08-17 1. 开口多说一句excuse me或者pardon me Pardon me, but can I speak to you privately for a moment? 不好意思,我能和你单独说两句吗? 2. Please挂在嘴边,礼多人不怪 到了国外,常把please挂在嘴边,即便你说着满口的Chinglish,老外也一定能领会你想讲礼貌的一片...

  • crack a smile 微笑或露齿一笑

    22-06-22 Crack a smile指的是微笑或露齿一笑: 例句: They were a tough class to teach, I told my best jokes and no one even cracked a smile. 他们真是很难教的一个班级。我讲了我最棒的笑话,居然没有一个人笑。 Crack a smile还可以用来表示在感觉不想微笑的时候挤出一...

  • 课堂上老师的常用语-课堂纪律

    22-06-22 Please raise your hand if you have something to say. 发言请举手。 No sleeping in class. 课上不准睡觉。 You snooze, you lose. 贪睡你就输了。 Please put your cell phones on silent mode. 请把手机调成静音模式。 Please dont talk when Im talking. 我讲课时...

  • 气质

    22-06-09 1. class: (风度、举止等)漂亮、优雅 Shes got real class. 她很有气质。 2. elegance: (举止)典雅 It was here natural elegance that struck me. 她浑身散发出的天然气质给我印象极深。 3. charisma: 魅力,气质 On screen she had this great charisma so that...

  • face the music 面对现实

    22-05-11 (To) Face the music 从字面意思来看,这个俚语表示转身面向音乐的方向,但如果你的朋友或父母告诉你face the music,它有一个更严肃的意思。它表示面对现实,或者处理现实的情况,接受所有或好或坏的结果(大部分都是坏的)。或许因为你不确定或害怕结果逃避了某些事...

  • absent-minded 心不在焉

    22-03-22 心不在焉,汉语成语,意思是心思不在这里,指思想不集中。可以翻译为absent-minded,distrait或inattentive等。 例句: 上课时心不在焉 Be absent-minded in class 她心不在焉地读着一本小说。 She was reading a novel in a distracted manner....