• 公众对气候工程学持消极看法

    14-01-14 Members of the public have a negative view of climate engineering, the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the environment to counteract climate change, according to a new study. The results are from researchers from the University of Southampton...

  • 2100年地球气温将至少上升4°C

    14-01-05 科学家估计,如果不减少二氧化碳排放,2100年地球平均气温将至少上升4摄氏度,到2200年会上升8摄氏度,无疑是地球灾难性的噩梦。 According to a December 31 news release from the University of New South Wales, scientists estimate that by 2100, global average...

  • 太阳活动不是气候变化的主要诱因

    13-12-23 Climate change has not been strongly influenced by variations in heat from the sun, a new scientific study shows. The findings overturn a widely held scientific view that lengthy periods of warm and cold weather in the past might have been caused by...

  • 鼠兔食用大量苔藓抵抗炎热天气

    13-12-19 In some mountain ranges, Earth's warming climate is driving rabbit relatives known as pikas(鼠兔) to higher elevations or wiping them out. But University of Utah biologists discovered that roly-poly pikas living in rockslides near sea level in Ore...

  • 血吸虫病在非洲的发病率有望降低

    13-12-14 The dangerous parasite Schistosoma mansoni that causes snail fever(血吸虫病) in humans could become significantly less common in the future a new international study led by researchers from the University of Copenhagen predicts. The results are su...

  • 安第斯山蛙类数量减少是因为某致命壶菌

    13-12-14 A deadly fungus, and not climate change as is widely believed, is the primary culprit behind the rapid decline of frog populations in the Andes mountains, according to a new study published today in the journal Conservation Biology. Frogs living at...

  • 地球工程学似乎不能减缓气候变化

    13-12-06 Reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the planet's surface by geoengineering may not undo climate change after all. Two German researchers used a simple energy balance analysis to explain how Earth's water cycle responds differently to heating by...

  • 气候变化可能对地球产生突然影响

    13-12-05 Climate change has increased concern over possible large and rapid changes in the physical climate system, which includes Earth's atmosphere, land surfaces, and oceans. Some of these changes could occur within a few decades or even years, leaving li...

  • 欧洲应对气候变化背后的现实

    13-11-26 British cities -- unlike their counterparts on the mainland -- are taking the lead in making plans to curb and handle the impact of climate change. So says Diana Reckien, of Columbia University in the US, in a study published in Springer's journal C...

  • 2013全球碳排放将达360亿吨

    13-11-20 Global emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels are set to rise again in 2013, reaching a record high of 36 billion tonnes - according to new figures from the Global Carbon Project, co-led by researchers from the Tyndall Centre for Clim...