• 美国东海岸还将遭受飓风侵袭

    13-10-19 Almost a year after Hurricane Sandy, parts of New York and New Jersey are still recovering from billions of dollars in flood damage. Tufts University geologist Andrew Kemp sees the possibility of damage from storms smaller than Sandy in the future....

  • 植物显著减缓了地球的气候变化

    13-10-17 Enhanced growth of Earth's leafy greens during the 20th century has significantly slowed the planet's transition to being red-hot, according to the first study to specify the extent to which plants have prevented climate change since pre-industrial...

  • 全球变暖加强了厄尔尼诺现象

    13-10-15 Scientists say they are more certain than ever about the impact of global warming on a critical weather pattern. 科学家们称,关于全球变暖对天气模式的影响,他们的认识比以往任何时候都要明确。 The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) occurs in the Pacif...

  • 气温升高将使陆地生态系统发生重大变化

    13-10-09 Over 80% of the world's ice-free land is at risk of profound ecosystem transformation by 2100, a new study reveals. Essentially, we would be leaving the world as we know it, says Sebastian Ostberg of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research...

  • 土著部落的传统知识可应用于气候变化

    13-10-06 New England's Native tribes, whose sustainable ways of farming, forestry, hunting and land and water management were devastated by European colonists four centuries ago, can help modern America adapt to climate change. That's the conclusion of more...

  • 地球生命起源的气候谜团

    13-10-06 The mystery of why life on Earth evolved when it did has deepened with the publication of a new study in the latest edition of the journal Science. Scientists at the CRPG-CNRS University of Lorraine, The University of Manchester and the Institut de...

  • 白垩纪晚期似乎是无冰雪时期

    13-09-25 For years, scientists have thought that a continental ice sheet formed during the Late Cretaceous Period more than 90 million years ago when the climate was much warmer than it is today. Now, a University of Missouri researcher has found evidence su...

  • 气候变化对芬兰北方的蛾类影响不大

    13-09-25 Moths in northern Finland are less susceptible to rising temperatures than expected, suggesting high latitude moth populations around the world may be partly buffered from the effects of rapid climate warming, according to a new Dartmouth-Finnish st...

  • 全球气候变化之应对路线图

    13-09-17 Using data from the world's ecosystems and predictions of how climate change will impact them, scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society, the University of Queensland, and Stanford University have produced a roadmap that identifies the world...

  • 微小的浮游生物可能对气候有大影响

    13-09-16 As the climate changes and oceans' acidity increases, tiny plankton(浮游生物) seem set to succeed. An international team of marine scientists has found that the smallest plankton groups thrive under elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. This could...