• 克隆羊可以活得健康长久

    16-07-27 Three weeks after the scientific world marked the 20th anniversary of the birth of Dolly the sheep new research, published by The University of Nottingham, in the academic journal Nature Communications has shown that four clones derived from the sam...

  • 欧盟将暂停食品生产的动物克隆

    10-10-23 欧盟委员会近日宣布,将在近期就克隆食品提出一项立法建议,建议欧盟在今后5年暂停用于食品生产的动物克隆,不过,仍将允许从美国等地进口用克隆动物后代生产的食品。 The European Union announced plans on Tuesday to temporarily ban the use of animal cloning fo...
