• 英国政府考虑设立足球监管机构

    22-11-28 在公开赞同由球迷主导的男足审查报告所提出的建议后,英国政府表示将设立一个独立的足球监管机构。该监管机构将有权制裁违反财务及其它条例的英格兰足球俱乐部。 Whether its clubs such as Bury going bust, Derbys current financial problems or the big six wantin...

  • bridge-and-tunnel 土包子

    22-06-28 bridge-and-tunnel 土包子 Bridge-and-tunnel原指来自纽约城郊区的人(相对于曼哈顿),他们来曼哈顿需要过大桥穿隧道,后来引申指土包子、无知的人、傻帽、思想狭隘的人,具有不懂世故或不入潮流的特点。可以缩写为BT或BNT。 例: The clubs are hopping tonight, but...

  • gentleman's agreement 君子协定

    21-07-12 君子协定指的是不落实在书面上,仅靠口头承诺而立下的非正式协定,是一种建立在双方或多方信任之上的做法。在英语中,这个专有名称是gentlemans agreement或gentlemens agreement,其中,单词gentleman是绅士、君子的意思。 例句 It is better to conclude a business...

  • 中国将限制海外投资房地产以及体育俱乐部

    17-08-21 China will limit overseas investments by domestic companies in fields including real estate and sports clubs, while encouraging them to invest in infrastructure and new technology. 中国将限制国内公司投资海外房地产以及体育俱乐部,鼓励他们在基础设施以...

  • napercise 睡眠课程

    17-06-20 In Britain, a chain of gyms is trading its spinning bikes for beds to attract tired parents for a new class its dubbing napercise . 英国一家连锁健身俱乐部把动感单车换成了床,以此来吸引疲惫的父母参加新推出的睡眠课程。 It is a class where instead of w...

  • 韦恩·鲁尼表示不会加入中超

    17-02-25 Wayne Rooney said on Thursday that he has no plans to leave Manchester United, despite reports that his agent Paul Stretford had traveled to China to discuss his future with Chinese Super League clubs. 2月23日,韦恩鲁尼表示,虽然有报道称他的经纪人保...

  • private club 私人会所

    14-03-28 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China issued a regulation on Monday that requires all government officials not to attend banquets and recreational activities at private clubs -- the new strongholds of corru...

  • 西班牙七个足球俱乐部面临欧盟调查

    13-12-18 Real Madrid and Barcelona are among seven Spanish clubs to be investigated over alleged illegal state aid. 西班牙七家足球俱乐部涉嫌非法获取国家补助将被调查,其中包括皇家马德里队和巴塞罗那队。 The Spanish foreign ministry announced that the European...

  • 皇马连续七年位居最富有的足球俱乐部

    12-02-09 Real Madrid's revenues of 480m euros (401m) topped the Deloitte league table of the world's richest football clubs for the seventh straight year. 皇家马德里队4.8亿欧元的年收入连续七年位居德勒最富有的足球俱乐部排行榜榜首。 Deloitte's Football Money L...
