• make someone's blood run cold 毛骨悚然

    20-08-29 毛骨悚然,汉语成语,意思是毛发竖起,脊梁骨发冷;形容恐惧惊骇的样子(with ones hair standing on end; be absolutely terrified),令人毛骨悚然可以翻译为make someones blood run cold,表示to cause one to feel frightened or unnerved。 例句: 黑暗中的脚步...

  • 普通感冒与流感

    20-03-18 The common cold The common coldThe common cold, also known simply as the cold, is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract that primarily affects the nose. It is also possible that the throat, sinuses, and voice box get also affecte...

  • Expand and contract 热胀冷缩

    16-08-25 Teacher: We all know that heat causes an object to expand and cold causes it to contract. Now, can anyone give me a good example? John: Well, in the summer the days are long, and in the winter the days are short. 老师:我们都知道热胀冷缩的道理。现在...

  • The Sea at Dawn 黎明时分的大海

    16-07-14 They shuddered with cold, and ran down the road to the bridge. There, warm, they started walking hand in hand. A flush came into the sky. The waned moon, halfway down the west, sank into insignificance. On the shadowy land, things began to take life...

  • 热涨冷缩

    16-06-21 Teacher: We all know that heat causes an object to expand an cold cauese it to contract. Now, can anyone give me a good example? John: Well, in the summer the days are long, and in the winter the days are short. 老师:我们都知道热胀冷缩的道理。现在...

  • cold finger 冷手指

    16-06-05 Cold finger means to ignore someones text or social media site message and comment, especiallly when this persons message is pointless or uncalled for. 冷手指指无视某人的短信或者社交媒体上发来的私信和评论,尤其当这些信息毫无意义,也没啥道理的时候。...

  • Road Trip

    16-05-17 Road Trip Davis McCombs Over the singed and brittle roadside stalks, over cotton, corn and stubble, our cars dark bug-shape slithers. Over the metal drainpipe, over the oil rig, and the burned field where a windmill cranks its pinch of rust, we are...

  • cold turkey 快断法

    16-05-08 It is a question that prompts much debate - what is the best way for a smoker to quit? 到底什么是最佳戒烟方式?人们对这一问题一直存在争议。 Some people advocate the method of cutting down gradually to a point where you no longer need and desire the...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 25

    16-03-17 While these things were passing in the country workhouse, Mr. Fagin sat in the old den--the same from which Oliver had been removed by the girl--brooding over a dull, smoky fire. He held a pair of bellows upon his knee, with which he had apparently...

  • 寒冷可以使人减肥

    15-12-19 Being cold helps you lose weight, a new study found. 一项新的研究表明,寒冷可以使人减肥。 Exercise or being exposed to low temperatures creates more 'good' brown and beige types of body fat which burns calories in the body. Previous research has fou...