• 日本公司推出胶原蛋白啤酒

    15-05-08 In a bid to cash in on the latest beauty trend of consuming collagen, Japanese company Suntory Holdings Ltd' has released a special brew of collagen-infused beer. 为了在最近胶原蛋白美容的风潮中谋利,日本三得利公司推出一款特别酿造的胶原蛋白啤酒。 The...

  • 高张力肌腱自愈能力较弱

    10-05-26 In a discovery that seems counterintuitive(违反直觉的) , a study appearing in the May 21st Journal of Biological Chemistry has found that tendons(肌腱) in high-stress and strain areas, like the Achilles tendon(跟腱) , actually repair themselve...
