• 雪龙号在南极与冰山相撞

    19-01-22 Chinas Xuelong, polar icebreaker, collided with an iceberg on its 35th Antarctic research mission due to thick fog, said Chinas Ministry of Natural Resources Monday on its website. 中国国土资源部官网周一发布消息,雪龙号极地破冰船在第35次南极考察任务...

  • 美国一列运油列车脱轨并着火

    13-12-31 Wagons from a mile-long train carrying crude oil have burst into flames as they derailed after a collision in the US state of North Dakota. 美国北达科他州一列一英里长的运油列车发生碰撞脱轨并着火。 Thick black smoke was pouring from the derailed trai...

  • 道路警示标志可减少鹿车相撞事故

    11-10-13 Collisions between wild deer and vehicles not only hinder(阻碍,打扰) conservation efforts but pose a serious danger to drivers. In new research, published in the Wildlife Society Bulletin, Canadian scientists examined locations and time periods o...

  • Traces of planet collision found 行星相撞遗迹被发现

    09-08-12 A Nasa space telescope has found evidence of a high-speed collision between two burgeoning planets orbiting a young star. 一架北约太空望远镜发现了围绕一个新恒星的两个快速发展的行星之间快速冲撞的迹象。 In astronomical terms, the collision happened re...
