• Northanger Abbey - Chapter 15

    21-11-29 Early the next day, a note from Isabella, speaking peace and tenderness in every line, and entreating the immediate presence of her friend on a matter of the utmost importance, hastened Catherine, in the happiest state of confidence and curiosity, t...

  • have difficulty taking a step forward 举步维艰

    21-11-23 举步维艰,汉语成语,抬脚行走十分困难,比喻行动困难重重,工作很难开展或生活艰难。可以翻译为have difficulty taking a step forward,have difficulty in carrying out a cause/plan或be struggling等。 例句: 这家公司刚刚成立,举步维艰。 They have a hard tim...

  • diversity, variety, multiplicity, flexibility

    21-11-12 先来看名词 diversity。Diversity 的意思是 多样化,多元化。比如,生物多样性 就是 biodiversity;另外,diversity 也常用来谈论 对来自不同社会背景、文化、种族等的人兼容并包。来听一个使用了 diversity 的例句。 Example The company is starting a project to pr...

  • 加入“绿色行业”的英国年轻人

    21-10-28 There are jobs that hardly existed a generation ago. Bridie is learning to maintain wind turbines, Paul makes heat pumps to replace gas boilers, and Beth is at work on a futuristic farm. All three are zero carbon to help with climate change. 有些工...

  • in the red 亏损

    21-10-26 想直译亏损可不容易,它实际的意思与赤字差不多,都指支出大于收入,所以可以用in the red来表示。 例句: Mr. Smiths company is in the red. 史密斯先生的公司亏损了。 A: How is your company? 你的公司怎么样? B: Unfortunately, were in the red now. 很不幸,现...

  • 美国肯德基无骨鸡肉短缺

    21-10-09 近日,美国肯德基被曝出鸡肉产品供应不足,话题#美国肯德基无鸡可炸# 登上热搜,引发网友关注和讨论。 此前,美国肯德基表示,因无骨鸡肉供应不足,决定暂时取消相关产品的广告宣传。 据外媒报道,早在一个月前,肯德基就停播了关于无骨鸡肉(鸡柳、鸡块等)的相关电视...

  • low-hanging fruit 容易实现的目标

    21-09-17 Low-hanging fruit 的字面意思是 挂在低处的果实,实际用来比喻 最容易得到的事物 或 最简单的、最容易达成的目标。 例句 The company made cuts with the low-hanging fruit they reduced the number of staff. 该公司从最容易达成削减经费目标的地方着手,裁减了员工...

  • Happy to do or happy doing?

    21-09-17 首先,形容词后的动词形式通常有两种,即不定式 to do 和动名词 doing。形容词后究竟应该加哪种动词,以及哪类形容词后面要加 doing,其实并没有一个通用的规则。 不过,英语中的确有一些普遍的模式,希望能够供大家参考。通常情况下,形容词后面的动词形式多为不定式...

  • get in on the ground 抢占先机,先下手为强

    21-09-10 表达 get in on the ground 用来表示 从一开始就参与某个项目或计划,从而取得有利地位,通常用在商业领域,有 抢占先机,先下手为强 的意思。 例句 She invested in the company at the start, and now shes incredibly wealthy. She made the right decision to get...

  • to go it alone 自己一个人去做

    21-09-03 To go it alone 用来形容某人做某事是自己一个人去做,没有其他人的帮忙。 例句 Now that I have enough experience, Ive decided to go it alone and start my own business. Im not ready to go it alone yet. I need another few years working in this company. We...