• 伦敦警方用科学计算手段预防犯罪

    13-10-06 在电影《少数派报告》中的2054年,警方可以预知犯罪并派人及时赶去,阻止犯罪行为发生。伦敦警方正在运用科学计算手段把电影中的预犯罪部门变成现实。 In the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report, the year was 2054 but it seems the reality of police predicting cri...

  • 处理器缓存可能将由软件管理

    13-09-16 In today's computers, moving data to and from main memory consumes so much time and energy that microprocessors have their own small, high-speed memory banks, known as caches, which store frequently used data. Traditionally, managing the caches has...

  • 鼠标发明者道格·恩格尔巴特辞世

    13-07-04 The inventor of the computer mouse, Doug Engelbart, has died aged 88. 电脑鼠标的发明者,道格恩格尔巴特辞世,享年88岁。 Engelbart developed the tool in the 1960s as a wooden shell covering two metal wheels, patenting it long before the mouse's widesp...

  • Ratters 网络摄像头黑客

    13-06-15 Ratters are computer attackers who use Remote Access Tools (R.A.T.s) to activate the webcams of compromised computers and record video of unsuspecting users. They call the owners of these infected computers slaves, and compromising videos, especiall...

  • 三名欧洲男子制作电脑病毒被美国法院起诉

    13-01-24 US prosecutors say they have charged three men with creating and distributing a virus that infected more a million computers around the world. 美国检察官起诉了三名男子,他们制作并传播了 一种电脑病毒,使全世界大约一百万台电脑中毒。 They say the Gozi...

  • 惠普股价暴跌20%

    11-08-20 Shares in Hewlett-Packard have fallen sharply on news that it is buying UK software firm Autonomy and may sell its PC business. 有消息称惠普计划购买英国软件公司Autonomy并可能出售个人电脑事业部,其股价因此大幅下跌。 HP's future plans also include no...

  • 量子计算机单光子管理机制得以完善

    11-01-21 The quantum computers of tomorrow might use photons, or particles of light, to move around the data they need to make calculations, but photons are tricky(狡猾的) to work with. Two new papers by researchers working at the National Institute of Sta...

  • 黑客入侵ATM 让其自动吐钞

    10-08-07 A hacker has discovered a way to force ATMs to disgorge their cash by hijacking the computers inside them. 一位计算机黑客通过入侵ATM柜员机里的电脑的方式,不用银行卡就能让ATM机疯狂吐钞。 A hacker has discovered a way to force ATMs to disgorge their c...

  • 专为电脑新手设计的笔记本发布

    10-02-20 People confused and frustrated by computers can now turn to a laptop called Alex built just for them. 对电脑操作一窍不通的人现在可以使用专为他们设计的一款笔记本Alex。 Alex's creators hope to target the 12 million Britons who are not PC users. Based...

  • 学生的学习更多依赖于电脑

    10-02-03 Pupils are more likely to use computers for their schoolwork at home on a daily basis than they are to use them every day at school, according to a survey. 一项调查显示,学生每天在家里做家庭作业时使用电脑的几率比在学校的使用更大。 Pupils may not use...