• ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic accelerators 超高能宇宙加速器

    21-05-22 中国科学家近日宣布,中国高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO拉索)在银河系内发现大量超高能宇宙加速器,这一发现可能颠覆人类对银河系的认识,并有助于揭示宇宙线起源这个困扰了科学家一个世纪的问题。 Chinese scientists have detected a dozen ultra-high-energy (UHE) c...

  • 中国将建造宇宙射线观测站

    17-06-06 To better study high-energy cosmic rays, construction is underway on a large cosmic-ray observatory on Mt. Haizi near the city of Daocheng, southwest Chinas Sichuan province. 为了更好地研究高能宇宙射线,中国将在四川稻城附近的海子山上建造一座大型宇宙...

  • 星系形成吸收尘埃使宇宙变得更加清洁

    16-06-30 The Universe is becoming gradually cleaner as more and more cosmic dust is being mopped up by the formation of stars within galaxies, an international team of astronomers has revealed. Peering back 12 billion years using the Herschel space telescope...

  • 太空旅行比预想的稍微安全

    14-12-04 Analysis of data from the MATROSHKA experiment, the first comprehensive measurements of long-term exposure of astronauts to cosmic radiation, has now been completed. This experiment, carried out on board and outside of the International Space Statio...

  • 宇宙射线威胁宇航员的外太空任务

    14-10-22 Crewed missions to Mars remain an essential goal for NASA, but scientists are only now beginning to understand and characterize the radiation hazards that could make such ventures risky, concludes a new paper by University of New Hampshire scientist...

  • 宇宙尘埃形成于超新星爆炸

    14-07-10 There are billions of stars and planets in the universe. A star is glowing sphere of gas, while planets like Earth are made up of solids. The planets are formed in dust clouds that swirled around a newly formed star. Dust grains are composed of elem...