• 开学相关的词汇

    16-02-04 开学典礼 opening ceremony 本科生 undergraduate 研究生 postgraduate 博士生 PhD student 大一 freshman 大二 sophomore 大三 junior 大四 senior 春季学期 spring semester 秋季学期 fall semester 注册、报到 register 必修课 compulsory course 选修课 optional c...

  • 加拿大某大学开设《权力的游戏》课程

    15-11-02 Why is winter coming? Why does Jon Snow know nothing? And why is Littlefinger called Littlefinger? 为什么凛冬将至?为什么琼恩雪诺什么都不知道?为什么小指头被叫做小指头? If you're completely obsessed with all things Game of Thrones then this might j...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 15

    15-03-03 But my aunt is the creature I am going to destroy.... Oh, Therese, in a philosopher's view how frivolous are these consanguinary ties! Forgive me, but I do not even wish to discuss them, so futile are they. These contemptible chains, fruit of our la...

  • 电影中的十大教授

    14-09-12 Indiana Jones; Subject: Archaeology If archaeology is your chosen subject, don't be surprised if none of your lecturers are called away to solve ancient mysteries; not all archaeologists can be as exciting as Dr Henry Walton Jones Jnr, aka Indiana J...

  • 学生的社交网络可预测课程成绩

    12-12-28 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev's (BGU) Social Networks Security Research Group in its Department of Information Systems Engineering has developed a novel method to predict how well or badly a student will perform in an academic course. The infor...

  • 《拜见岳父大人3》六

    12-07-27 精彩对白 Jack: I'm gonna make this brief, Pam-cake. I'm not getting any younger. Pam: Dad. Jack: No, I want to make sure there's someone around besides me who you can fully count on. I couldn't help but notice how you and Kevin have reconnected thes...

  • A Question 一个问题

    11-11-09 Professor: Before we begin the examination are there any question? Student: What's the name of this course? 教授:在开始考试之前,还有什么问题吗? 学生:考试科目的名称是什么?...

  • Creative 创造性

    10-08-26 Creative Applying for my first job, I realized I had to be creative in listing my few qualifications(资格证书,职位要求) . Asked about additional schooling and training, I answered truthfully that I had spent three years in computer programming cl...

  • 伦敦某校开设教学生穿高跟鞋走路的课程

    10-06-12 Students have been taught how to walk in stilettos as part of a government-funded course, a south London college said on Wednesday. 伦敦南部一所学院于本周三称,受政府资助,该校开设了一门教学生穿高跟鞋时如何走路的课程。 The six-week Sexy Heels in the...

  • 筛选课程 weeder course

    09-10-05 又一批新生入学了,各个专业不同形式的placement test(分班测试)可能也都相继结束了。在一些对学生的基础知识要求比较高的学科,比如医科,可能第一年还会让学生必修一两门weeder courses,算是入门测试吧。如果这些课程挂了,可能那个学生连学医的机会都没了呢。 A...