• go for your tea 被杀、被谋杀

    20-10-16 go for your tea不是去喝茶,知道意思后,大吃一惊! 今日表达:go for your tea 英文释义:to be killed or to be murdered 中文解释:被杀/被谋杀 举个例子吧! 1、Youll go for your tea if you go directly against the criminals on your own. 如果你单枪匹马直接...

  • 英国窃贼开始盯上珍贵石材

    15-09-25 Thieves are ripping up ancient pavements, slate roofs and even graveyards to feed a fashion for real stone in expensive home makeovers. 时下盛行用天然石材进行昂贵的家居翻新,为满足潮流需求,窃贼们从古道、石板瓦屋顶甚至墓地盗取石材。 The organised ga...

  • 配备高分辨率摄像机以及窃听设备的咖啡杯盖

    15-09-20 It resembles nothing more innocuous than an ordinary coffee cup. 从表面上看,这就是一个再普通不过的咖啡杯。 But it is actually a disguised hi-tech gadget which could become a potent new weapon in the fight against criminals, enemy spies and benefits...

  • 巴西监狱推新规 读书减刑

    12-06-30 巴西监狱系统近期推出一项减刑新规,读一本书减四天刑。这项新规将在巴西四所联邦监狱实行,服刑人员如果能在一年内读完12本文学、哲学、科学或者经典类著作,便可获得最高48天的减刑。 Brazil will offer inmates in its crowded federal penitentiary(监狱) system...

  • 美国FBI线人多为黑客

    11-06-11 英国《卫报》调查显示,美国电脑黑客地下组织已被联邦调查局(FBI)和特勤局大范围渗透,预计已有四分之一的黑客成为FBI的线人,黑客之间的相互猜疑和不信任与日俱增。 The underground world of computer hackers has been so thoroughly infiltrated(渗透) in the...

  • 英国学术网站被劫持销售假药

    10-03-07 UK academic institutions have unwittingly become the accomplices of criminals selling fake drugs online. 英国某学术机构在毫不知情的情况下成为犯罪分子在网上销售假药的帮凶。 Servers were used to bounce people on to fake pharmacy sites A security firm...
