• 郭德纲将在英国演出

    18-06-29 Guo Degang, a popular Chinese traditional crosstalk performer, will perform in Britain, introducing the Chinese comedic performing arts to Britain for the first time. 中国传统相声著名演员郭德纲将在英国演出,这是中国戏剧表演艺术首次进入英国。 Guo, al...

  • 郭德纲成澳洲国立博物馆文化大使

    18-04-01 Guo Degang, a popular Chinese traditional crosstalk performer, signed a letter of agreement in Canberra with the National Museum of Australia (NWA) to become the museums cultural ambassador in China. 中国著名传统相声演员郭德纲在堪培拉与澳洲国立博物...

  • 相声大师唐杰忠辞世

    17-06-19 Tang Jiezhong, one of Chinas top crosstalk artists, died in Beijing on June 18. 中国相声表演艺术家唐杰忠于6月18日在北京逝世。 Tang worked as the managing director of the Chinese Quyi Study Center and was a part-time professor at the Beijing Language...
