• 水立方将变成冬奥会冰立方

    18-12-27 Work has begun on transforming the National Swimming Center, known colloquially as the Water Cube, into a venue that can host events at the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022. 将国家游泳中心,俗称水立方,转变成为北京2022冬奥会场馆的工作已经开始。 To me...

  • 美国少年刷新魔方破解世界纪录

    15-05-08 The Rubik's Cube has puzzled the minds of millions for decades, with most people giving up before ever coming close to finishing the notoriously difficult game. 数十年来,极其难解的鲁比克魔方困扰了数以百万计的挑战者,他们中的大部分人都在破解到一定程...

  • 新型正方体小屋亮相多伦多室内设计展

    15-02-02 A new 10 x 10 x 10 cube featuring a built-in bed, kitchen, bathroom and living space is set to change the way we think about small-space living. 最近,一种新型正方体小屋将改变人们对狭小居住空间的看法,小屋长、宽、高均为10英尺(约3米),内置有床、厨...

  • 日本方形西瓜获俄罗斯富人追捧

    13-07-19 Pity the nouveau riche Russians who missed last week's bargain on Japanese-grown, cube-shaped watermelons at high-end Moscow markets: Just $700. 由日本培育的方形西瓜受到了俄罗斯富人的追捧,每个方形西瓜的价格高达700美元。 But news of the novelty, a c...

  • Cube jockey 隔间老大

    12-07-26 Cube jockey is an office worker who sits in a cubicle all day and is most likely destined to spend the rest of their career in one. They may spend most of their day surfing the net, playing computer games, or checking personal emails when the boss i...

  • 隔间农场 Cube farm

    09-08-30 曾几何时,高档写字楼、带隔间的办公室,那可是令人羡慕的白领生活?8芯踔灰???切「艏淅铮?约旱纳矸荼懔⒙砀吖罅怂频摹6?衷冢?艏湟丫?皇鞘裁刺乇鸬南笳髁耍?踔劣腥税阉?浅莆猚ube farm(隔间农场)。看到这个称呼,是不是高贵的感觉立马消失了呢? Cube far...
