• 积极的态度可以延缓衰老吗?

    22-10-18 你也许听过 年龄取决于你的想法 这句话,实际上,这句话或许有些道理。研究表明,我们对待衰老的态度会对我们能活多久以及晚年的健康状况产生影响。 When do you think middle age starts? What about old age? Unsurprisingly, the answer to these questions will de...

  • Generation D D世代

    22-10-12 对现在的青少年来说,上个网下载个东西就和打开电视一样简单,永远在线似乎已经成为他们的生活常态。他们不仅是数码世代的消费者,更成为数字文化的创造者。 Generation D refers to the generation that has grown up with and is completely at home with digital de...

  • how so 何出此言

    22-01-22 how so里的so指代前面的人陈述的观点。如果有人对你说how so,就是问你刚刚为什么要那样说,用汉语解释就是何出此言。 例句: - She was weird. -她有些古怪。 - How so? -为什么这么说呢? - The city of Melbourne has much more culture than Sydney. -墨尔本比悉尼...

  • 北京将规范公共场所的外语标识

    21-11-30 近日,北京市人大常委会第三十五次会议审议并表决通过了《北京市国际交往语言环境建设条例》。 The regulation is aimed at elevating Beijings international service level, improving its function as an international exchange center, and promoting the high-le...