• snowclone 雪克隆

    12-09-18 The term snowclone describes the practice of transforming cliches, axioms and pop culture catchphrases into modern analogies. By replacing a few key words from the original saying, a writer can put a new context using the old formula. For example, t...

  • rear window culture 后窗文化

    12-07-19 Many people like to put stickers or posters on the rear window of their car, which can show the unique personality of the car owner and start a new trend known as rear window culture . 越来越多的人喜欢在汽车后窗张贴各类图释或标语。不同个性的车主,所...

  • copy culture 复制文化

    12-05-31 When a massive downpour hit Beijing on June 23, it took just a few minutes for a photograph taken by micro-blogger Yang Di to be forwarded thousands of times on the Internet. 6月23日北京遭遇强降雨,杨迪(音译)通过微博发布的一张照片在几分钟内被转发...

  • 文化交流词汇

    12-03-08 culture shock 文化冲击,文化休克 culture pollution 文化污染 cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流 high culture 高雅文化 counter-culture (上世纪六十至七十年代在西方出现的)嬉皮文化,反传统文化 online courses 在线课程 knowledge-sharing 知识共享 The...

  • 夏奇拉荣膺法国文化奖

    12-02-01 Shakira has received the French culture medal in Cannes for her contribution to the world of fine arts. 夏奇拉因对世界艺术做出的贡献而在戛纳荣获法国文化奖章。 Shakira is the first Colombian to have been given the award The Colombian singer of hit si...

  • 人类与猩猩有相同的文化演化根源

    11-10-21 Culture is not a trait that is unique to humans. By studying orangutan(猩猩) populations, a team of researchers headed by anthropologist(人类学家) Michael Krtzen from the University of Zurich has demonstrated that great apes also have the abilit...

  • 面部表情因文化而异

    11-09-02 Facial expressions have been called the universal language of emotion, but people from different cultures perceive happy, sad or angry facial expressions in unique ways, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association....

  • 巴西某土著部落无时间概念

    11-05-28 研究人员发现,巴西亚马逊丛林中有一个名叫阿莫达瓦的部落,那里的人没有时间概念。在他们的语言中没有时间、星期、月和年等词语,只区分白天、黑夜、旱季和雨季。 An Amazonian tribe has been discovered that has no concept of time or dates, scientists have sai...

  • 古印度人定居北美早于预计时间

    11-03-25 Researchers excavating(挖掘) a creek(小溪) bed in central Texas have found evidence suggesting humans settled in North America some two thousand years earlier than previously estimated. The findings are reported in the March 25 issue of Science....

  • peep culture 窥探文化

    11-03-11 Peep culture is a play on pop culture, the term was coined by Toronto writer and social commentator Hal Niedzviecki. It refers to a culture in which many people write about or display and other people to take pleasure in reading or watching the minu...