• 澳政府提出“24小时猫咪禁足令”

    15-07-31 Australian cat owners could have to keep their pets indoors permanently under a '24-hour cat curfew' proposed by the government. 近日澳大利亚政府提出了24小时猫咪禁足令,这项提案意味着今后澳洲的猫奴们可能必须将自己的爱猫长期关在屋子里了。 The proposa...

  • 埃及将解除国家紧急状态和宵禁

    13-11-13 Egypt's government says it is lifting the country's three-month state of emergency and night-time curfew. 埃及政府称,将解除已持续三个月的国家紧急状态与宵禁。 The move comes two days earlier than expected, after a court ruling. An aide to the prime...

  • 埃及民众彻夜游行抗议宵禁

    13-01-29 Protests and violence have continued overnight in Egypt as thousands defied curfews imposed by President Mohammed Morsi. 埃及数千人抗议总统穆罕默德莫尔西实施的宵禁,抗议与暴力活动彻夜不停。 Protests have continued into the night in Cairo, and in cit...

  • 尼日尔首都开始实行宵禁

    11-06-30 A curfew has been imposed on Nigeria's capital, Abuja, following recent attacks by Islamist militants, meaning nightclubs, beer parlours and cinemas must close early. 因最近伊斯兰激进分子频繁制造袭击,尼日尔首都阿布贾决定实行宵禁,这意味着夜总会、啤...

  • 西非布基纳法索兵变导致首都宵禁

    11-04-17 Authorities in the west African state of Burkina Faso have placed the capital Ouagadougou under curfew as unrest continues after a mutiny in the army. 西非国家布基纳法索军队发生叛乱导致局势动荡,首都瓦加杜古官员宣布实行宵禁。 Restrictions on movemen...

  • 突尼斯对首都实行宵禁

    11-01-13 The Tunisian government has imposed a night-time curfew in the capital, Tunis, and surrounding regions. 突尼斯政府对首都突尼斯及其周边地区实行宵禁政策。 It comes after violent protests in several districts of the capital, with riot police firing tea...

  • 曼谷商业活动恢复正常

    10-05-25 Offices, schools and businesses have reopened in Bangkok, days after a violent end to weeks of protest. 曼谷的办公室、学校和商业经历数周的暴乱之后已重新开放。 Commuters returned to work next to burned-out buildings Residents within what was the red-...

  • 曼谷宵禁过后局势依然紧张

    10-05-20 Thailand's capital Bangkok remains tense after a night under curfew, following a deadly army assault on anti-government protesters. 泰国首都曼谷一夜宵禁过后局势仍然紧张,近日泰国军队与反政府武装发生致命冲突。 There are fears the Central World shoppi...
