• cyber spy 网络间谍

    12-01-09 American cyber-security experts failed to provide sufficient evidence when accusing Chinese cyber spies of trying to break into computers belonging to China specialists and defense contractors in the United States, a Chinese cyber expert told Xinhua...

  • 伦敦举办网络安全会议

    11-11-02 London has begun a two-day international conference focused on the threat from cyber-security attacks. 伦敦已经开始主办一场为期两天的网络安全会议。 Representatives of 60 nations gathered to discuss how to tackle the rising levels of cyber-crime. For...

  • Cyber hoarding 网络囤积

    11-09-28 Cyber hoarding means an individual has an excessive amount of pointless word documents, pictures, etc. saved on his/her computer that s/he will never look at. 网络囤积指一个人在自己电脑上存了大量毫无价值的文档和图片等文件,而他根本都不会去看一眼。 F...

  • 五角大楼证实三月曾遭网络攻击

    11-07-15 The Pentagon has admitted it suffered a major cyber attack in which thousands of files were taken by foreign hackers. 美国五角大楼证实,他们遭受一次较大的网络袭击,数千资料被外国黑客窃...

  • 主动自我防御是对付网络攻击的最好方法

    11-06-28 With the threats of cybercrime, cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare looming over our hyper-connected world, the best defense for the U.S. might be a good offense, says new research by a University of Illinois expert in technology and legal issues. Law p...

  • 国际货币基金组织遭到黑客攻击

    11-06-12 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it has been targeted by a sophisticated cyber attack. 国际货币基金组织称其遭受了一场复杂的网络袭击。 Officials at the fund gave few details but said the attack earlier this year had been a very major breach...

  • Cyber model 网络模特

    11-01-19 Cyber model , or ma dou in Chinese, is an emerging occupation amid a boom in the country's online shopping. Cyber models do not strut the catwalk. They pose for pictures that get posted online for stores to showcase their products. 网络模特,又称麻...

  • 美国揭开顶级互联网安全计划的部分面纱

    10-03-04 The White House has declassified parts of a top secret plan outlining how government will protect the nation's computer networks from cyber warfare. 美国白宫揭密一项顶级机密计划的某些部分, 该计划是关于政府如何保护计算机网络免受网络袭击。 Mr Schmidt...

  • 美国任命施密特为网络安全主管

    09-12-23 The White House has appointed its cyber tsar, following a seven month search. 美国白宫经历7个月的寻觅终于任命第一任网络安全主管。 President Obama emphasised cybersecurity while campaigning Howard Schmidt, a former eBay and Microsoft executive who ad...

  • US cyber-security tsar steps down 美国网络安全官员请辞

    09-08-05 The White House's acting cyber-security tsar has resigned from her post, according to the Wall Street Journal. 华尔街日报报道,白宫代理网络安全官员已辞职。 President Obama emphasised cybersecurity while campaigning Melissa Hathaway told the paper sh...