• dance gracefully 翩翩起舞

    22-11-26 翩翩起舞,汉语成语,形容轻快地跳起舞来,可以翻译为dance in a happy mood; dance gracefully等。 例句: 她在舞台上翩翩起舞。 She glided across the stage....

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 23

    22-09-14 I made it very snappy on the phone because I was afraid my parents would barge in on me right in the middle of it. They didnt, though. Mr. Antolini was very nice. He said I could come right over if I wanted to. I think I probably woke he and his wif...

  • slack 划水

    22-03-24 懒惰是人类的天性,因此才总有人会在工作时划水。 划水,本意是指用胳膊划的动作(make strokes with ones arms),延伸为偷懒、怠工(work less hard than you usually do or should do),可以用slack表示。 这个词起初用于形容偷懒的船夫,当其他船夫在认真划船时,...

  • 聚会交际

    22-02-15 G1: May I have this dance? G2: Id love to. G1: You are a good dancer. Are you a professional? G2: Just one of my hobbies. You see, dancing is part of my life. It always makes me feel pleased and relieved,like the saying goes: When youre tangled, ta...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 20 Impatience

    22-01-21 When I woke up I was confused. My thoughts were hazy, still twisted up indreams and nightmares; it took me longer than it should have to realizewhere I was. This room was too bland to belong anywhere but in a hotel. The bedsidelamps, bolted to the t...

  • get a kick out of it 因某事感到愉快

    22-01-04 你可以用短语 get a kick out of 来形容因做某事给你带来兴奋或快乐。 例句 Im not frightened of abseiling - I actually get a real kick out of it! She got such a kick from the dance class that shes thinking of taking it up full time. He didnt think he wo...

  • to make a song and dance about something 小题大做

    21-12-14 如果有人因为一些小事而做出不相称或不恰当的激烈反应,那么你就可以说they are making a song and dance about something;也就是汉语里说的小题大做。不过注意这是一个非正式表达。 例句 All right, calm down! You dont have to make such a song and dance about i...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 8

    21-11-29 In spite of Udolpho and the dressmaker, however, the party from Pulteney Street reached the Upper Rooms in very good time. The Thorpes and James Morland were there only two minutes before them; and Isabella having gone through the usual ceremonial o...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 2

    21-11-29 In addition to what has been already said of Catherine Morlands personal and mental endowments, when about to be launched into all the difficulties and dangers of a six weeks residence in Bath, it may be stated, for the readers more certain informat...

  • get a kick out of 因做某事给某人带来兴奋、快乐感

    21-08-05 短语 get a kick out of 可以用来形容因做某事给某人带来兴奋、快乐感。 例句 Im not frightened of abseiling - I actually get a real kick out of it! She got such a kick from the dance class that shes thinking of taking it up full time. He didnt think he...