• leap for joy 手舞足蹈

    21-06-25 手舞足蹈,汉语成语,意思是两手舞动,两只脚也跳了起来(dance with joy [excitement])。形容高兴到了极点(be exuberant or very happy about something)。可以翻译为be beside oneself with joy,leap for joy。 例句: 你真该看看他听到自己获奖时手舞足蹈的样子...

  • 简单倒装句

    21-06-24 英语语言中的 倒装 指的是把句子当中的部分成分颠倒顺序的一种语法手段。 用法总结 1 英语倒装句的用途:1)表示强调;2)突出正式性;3)体现修辞风格。 Never before (probably) has inversion been explained so quickly or so simply. 2 包含否定或限定副词的倒装...

  • dance to the beat of one's own drum 我行我素

    21-05-09 表达 dance to the beat of ones own drum 跟着自己的鼓点跳动 或 march to the beat of ones own drum 跟着自己的节拍走 用来表示行为举止与众不同、我行我素。人们多用这个说法来形容一个人不随大流、特立独行。 例句 My brother never liked working in a conventio...

  • 在猪肉店起舞的9岁芭蕾女孩

    21-04-01 近日,一个#在猪肉店起舞的9岁芭蕾女孩#登上了热搜,话题阅读量超过了2亿。 A video clip of a girl dancing at a pork stall in a village in Southwest Chinas Yunnan province went viral online, moving many netizens. 一个女孩在中国西南部云南省一个村庄的猪肉...

  • 求饭碗需跳舞

    21-03-15 How do you feel about job interviews? Im never ready for them no matter how I prepare. In my attempts to impress my prospective employers I end up talking too much and losing my train of thought. Sometimes they ask difficult questions like: Where do...

  • 河南卫视春晚舞蹈《唐宫夜宴》火出了圈

    21-03-03 今年春节假期,除了电影票房大热之外,河南卫视春晚的舞蹈节目《唐宫夜宴》也火出了圈。 The classical dance program Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty created by Zhengzhou Song Dance Theater has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms and won much accla...

  • 男性会跳舞吗?

    21-02-10 市场调研机构 YouGov 替 BBC 体育电台做了一份就男性是否跳舞的调查。在参加调查的一千名男性中,有超过三成的男性说他们几乎从来没有跳过舞。导致这一现象的原因到底是男性不会跳舞,还是他们不想跳舞? Are men able to dance? Well, if I am an example, then no I...

  • 人们为什么爱跳舞?

    21-02-09 跳舞是我们无法自控的一个本能反应。当好心情遇到美妙动听的旋律时,我们不由自主地挪动双脚,翩翩起舞,放飞烦恼。然而是什么驱使我们情不自禁地跟着节奏摆动身体? If you asked me to dance, Id probably freeze on the spot. I lack rhythm and coordination and s...

  • 男版《天鹅湖》9月将在北京演出

    19-05-14 British choreographer Matthew Bournes dance drama Swan Lake will be staged six times from Sept. 5-8 at the Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center. 英国编舞艺术家马修伯恩的舞蹈剧《天鹅湖》将于9月5日至8日在北京天桥艺术中心演出六...

  • 威廉王子被拍到在夜店热舞

    17-03-17 Prince William has been filmed dancing like a dad at a wedding while on a lads skiing trip in Switzerland. 威廉王子和好兄弟们去瑞士滑雪旅行时被拍到在一场婚宴上跳起了老爸式舞蹈。 The future king of England was seen busting some old-school moves insid...