• Fairy tale 童话故事

    14-12-11 After watching the movie Cinderella, my five-year-old daughter started using her pinwheel as a magic wand, pretending she was fairy godmother. Make three wishes. She told me, and I'll grant them. I first asked world peace. She swung her wand and pro...

  • An unexpected call 意想不到的电话

    14-12-11 Mrs. Brown dialed her daughter's number and sang out, Hello, darling. How are you? Terrible, Mom. My back is killing me, the children are acting up, the house is a messand I'm expecting guest for dinner. Don't worry, darling. I'm coming right over....

  • The lion in love 恋爱的狮子

    14-12-03 A lion fell deeply in love with the daughter of a cottager and wanted to marry her; but her father was unwilling to give her to so fearsome a husband, and yet didn't want to offend the Lion, so he hit upon the following expedient. He went to the Lio...

  • daughter track 女儿职业道路

    14-11-20 Daughter track is a career path where a woman reduces her chances of advancement by working flextime or fewer hours to look after her elderly parents. 女儿职业道路是指女性为照顾年老的父母,利用弹性时间工作或减少工作时长,从而减少了自己职业晋升机会的...

  • 切尔西·克林顿喜得千金

    14-09-28 Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former US President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has given birth to a baby girl. 切尔西克林顿,美国前总统比尔克林顿与前国务卿希拉里克林顿之女,近日生下一名女婴。 Marc and I are full of love...

  • 奥巴马对女儿离家上大学表示不舍

    14-08-04 President Barack Obama is practically weepy at the thought of his daughter Malia going off to college, a milestone many months away that is already on his mind. 美国总统奥巴马可能正在为他的大女儿玛丽亚就要离家上大学一事痛哭流涕,不过这件具有重大意义...

  • 谷歌员工女儿为父亲请假过生日 获批假一周

    14-06-27 美国谷歌公司一位员工的女儿为了不让爸爸在生日当天上班,亲自写假条给他的上司,该员工最后获批休假一周。 Sometimes all you have to do is ask. A Google employee is getting a week off work to spend with his young daughter thanks to an adorable(可爱的) n...

  • The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman 8

    14-05-22 At night the whole town was filled with rejoicings, and with much pomp the Princess Haiatelnefous (this was the name of the king's daughter) was conducted to the palace of the Princess Badoura. Now Badoura had thought much of the difficulties of her...

  • 妈妈在砸瓶子

    14-05-07 A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup(番茄酱) to come out of the bottle. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her four-year-old daughter to answer the phone. The child said, Mommy can't come to the phone right now. She's hitting th...

  • 不接种疫苗的美国人数量不断增加

    14-04-20 Kathleen Wiederman is not staunchly against vaccines. She simply believes it is better for her child to naturally battle an illness than to be vaccinated against it. 凯思琳维德曼并非是疫苗的坚定反对者,她只是相信,她的孩子通过自身免疫对抗疾病,比接...