• 烘焙有助于提高幸福感

    22-02-28 心理学家认为,烘焙能让人更快乐。这不仅仅是因为在经历了几个小时的辛勤劳动后,你可以享受美味可口的美食。烘焙还有治愈疗效,能够帮助人们缓解压力,获得心灵上的满足。 Studies have shown that creative activities like baking and knitting contribute to an ov...

  • 眼睛聚焦之物可影响道德性决策

    15-03-19 Our opinions are affected by what our eyes are focusing on in the same instant we make moral decisions. Researchers at Lund University and other institutions have managed to influence people's responses to questions such as is murder defensible? by...

  • 《点球成金》三

    13-01-29 片段对白 Peter: Using this equation in the upper left, I'm projecting that we need to win at least 99 games in order to make it to the postseason . We need to score at least 814 runs in order to win those games and allow no more than 645 runs. Billy...

  • 街角还有公共电话棚

    12-09-20 It's generally considered a good idea to know where you are at all times, apart from occasional lapses(失效,流逝) due to alcohol or passion. Technology is now making it increasingly easy for everyone else to know where you are as well. We are so...

  • 玩动作游戏可提高决策能力

    10-09-15 People who play action video games are known for their fast reaction times compared to those who don't play the games. And it isn't that they are just trigger happy(好战的) , according to researchers who report their findings in the September 14th...

  • 地板材料可影响顾客的购买欲

    10-06-04 From teachers to hairdressers, people who stand on their feet all day will tell you that the flooring beneath them can be the difference between a good day and a bad one. But can the difference between carpet(地毯) and hard tile flooring(瓷砖地板...
