• be thrown into a dilemma 进退维谷

    21-06-06 进退维谷,意思是无论是进还是退,都是处在困境之中,维相当于是,谷比喻困境。与进退两难同义,可以翻译为be thrown into a dilemma。与英文习语between a rock and a hard place;between the devil and the deep blue sea意思相近,表示between two equally difficu...

  • dig deep 倾力出资;倾尽全力

    21-05-16 在谈论金融方面的话题时,如果有人被要求 dig deep,意思就是让这个人 尽力寻找或付出额外的努力凑够一笔钱,倾力出资。短语 dig deep 也可以用来表示 在身体或精神上竭尽全力地去做一件困难的事情。 例句 The parents were asked to dig deep and help fund a new swi...

  • 蛟龙号将在太平洋西北部深潜

    17-05-17 Chinas manned submersible Jiaolong departed from south Chinas Shenzhen for deep-sea dives in the northwestern Pacific Ocean on Tuesday. 中国载人潜水器蛟龙号周二离开深圳港,开赴太平洋西北部海域进行深海潜水。 During the mission, which runs until June...

  • 智利魔鬼鱼是一种深海潜水生物

    14-07-02 Thought to dwell(居住,存在于) mostly near the ocean's surface, Chilean devil rays (Mobula tarapacana) are most often seen gliding through shallow, warm waters. But a new study by scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and inter...

  • 居维叶突吻鲸创下新的深潜记录

    14-03-28 Scientists monitored Cuvier's beaked whales' record-breaking dives to depths of nearly two miles below the ocean surface and some dives lasted for over two hours, according to results published March 26, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE by...

  • 鄂霍次克海域发生迄今最大的深层地震

    13-09-22 A magnitude 8.3 earthquake that struck deep beneath the Sea of Okhotsk on May 24, 2013, has left seismologists struggling to explain how it happened. At a depth of about 609 kilometers (378 miles), the intense pressure on the fault(断层) should in...

  • deep bro talk 哥们儿深聊

    13-09-02 Deep bro talk is a serious talk between two close male friends, in which they talk about all the things going on in their life at the moment. Deep bro talks are sacred meetings, and all the things discussed during them cannot be told to anyone else...

  • 狮子鱼活跃于300英尺的深水中

    13-07-12 Last month, the first expedition to use a deep-diving submersible to study the Atlantic Ocean lionfish invasion found something very disturbing -- at 300 feet deep, there were still significant populations of these predatory fish, and they were big....

  • deep-sea technology 深海技术

    13-01-16 Jiaolong has enabled China to join the ranks of countries with deep-dive technology. The United States, Japan, France and Russia currently lead the world in the development of deep-sea technology . 蛟龙号让中国成为掌握深潜技术的国家之一。目前,在深...

  • Strange jellies of the icy depths 深海发现陌生水母

    09-09-02 New details are emerging about the life-forms that survive in one of the world's most inaccessible places. 世界上最难以接近的地点之一存在的生命形式的更多细节正在慢慢浮现。 Crossota millsae, a brilliant red and purple jellyfish found at a depth of 20...