• crisis actors 危机演员

    22-09-29 两周前,佛罗里达州南部帕克兰(Parkland)的一所高中发生枪击案,随后,青少年推出#NeverAgain(不再重演)运动。他们罢课、躺街示威、在全国州府集会,试图改变枪支管理法案。 这场运动的最强音来自此次枪击惨案的幸存者17岁的David Hogg。有些右翼媒体谎称Hogg和他...

  • call for deep thought 发人深省

    22-09-22 发人深省,汉语成语,意思是启发人深刻思考,有所醒悟。可以翻译为call for deep thought,set people thinking等。 例句: 他话虽不多,却发人深...

  • 与夏天有关的习语 上

    22-07-25 1. Like a Fish Out of Water 这个习语的意思是to feel completely out of place,也就是感到不自在。 Bob always feels like a fish out of water when he is at his girlfriends office party. 在女朋友的工作聚会上,鲍勃总会感觉不自在。 2. Like Water off a Duck...

  • deep dive 深入探讨,仔细分析

    22-03-30 搭配 deep dive 的字面意思是 深潜,实际意思是 深入地探讨或仔细地研究 一件事情,如课题、项目或文件。Deep dive 常与动词 take 搭配使用,后面常接介词 into,即 take a deep dive into something。 例句 The best way to analyse the failings of the project is t...

  • Rome wasn't built in a day 冰冻三尺非一日之寒

    22-03-23 冰冻三尺非一日之寒,字面意思是冰冻了三尺,并不是一天的寒冷所能达到的效果(It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep)。比喻一种情况的形成,是经过长时间的积累、酝酿的,与英文谚语Rome wasnt built in a day意思相近,表示it...

  • belly laugh 捧腹大笑

    22-02-17 belly是肚子,belly laugh就是捧腹大笑。 A belly laugh is a very loud, deep laugh Each gag was rewarded with a generous belly-laugh. 每一次插科打诨都引来一阵捧腹大笑。...

  • in at the deep end 从难入手

    22-01-04 如果你被形容为In at the deep end 意思就是在你没有任何经验的情况下被置于一种很难的地位或很棘手的工作中。 例句 Our Boss thinks the best way to introduce staff to the job is to throw them in at the deep and see how they cope. Good old John, its his fir...

  • in deep water 陷入困境

    21-12-24 如果说某人 in deep water 那就是说此人陷入困境或处于水深火热之中。 例句 Were going to be in deep water if the bank cant authorize our loan. Ill be in deep water unless I pass all three exams. She left her brothers laptop on the train! Shes really goi...

  • to have deep pockets 资金雄厚

    21-12-06 衣服的口袋 pocket 可以装钱包和现金等财物。我们用 to have deep pockets 深口袋来形容个人或组织机构享有雄厚的财力资源,就好比装满钱的口袋一样,资金充裕。 例句 My company had a good year. Theyve got deep pockets so we always have a great New Year party....

  • in deep water 处于水深火热之中

    21-08-05 如果说某人 in deep water 那就是说此人陷入困境或处于水深火热之中。 例句 Were going to be in deep water if the bank cant authorize our loan. Ill be in deep water unless I pass all three exams. She left her brothers laptop on the train! Shes really goi...