• 蚊子性别决定基因可帮助对抗登革热

    15-05-27 Males aren't relevant -- at least when it comes to disease transmission by mosquitoes. Researchers with the Fralin Life Science Institute at Virginia Tech have identified a gene responsible for sex determination in mosquitoes that can transmit yello...

  • 巴西科学家用蚊子对付登革热

    14-09-25 Brazilian researchers in Rio de Janeiro have released thousands of mosquitoes infected with bacteria that suppress dengue fever. 巴西研究人员在里约热内卢释放了数千只感染了细菌的蚊子,该细菌可以抑制登革热。 The hope is they will multiply, breed and b...

  • 世界首支登革热疫苗开始三阶临床试验

    14-07-14 The first dengue vaccine candidate (CYD-TDV) to reach phase 3 clinical testing has shown moderate protection (56%) against the disease in Asian children, according to new research published in The Lancet. Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that infe...

  • 登革热爆发 洪都拉斯进入紧急状态

    13-08-01 Honduras has declared a state of emergency after an outbreak of dengue fever which has killed 16 people so far this year. 洪都拉斯爆发了一波登革热感染,政府宣布进入紧急状态,今年此次感染至今已造成16人死亡。 More than 12,000 people have been diagnose...

  • 登革热全球疾病负担超预期值三倍

    13-04-08 The global burden of dengue infection is more than triple current estimates from the World Health Organization, according to a multinational study published today in the journal Nature. The research has created the first detailed and up-to-date map...

  • 巴西登革热病例显著增长

    13-02-27 Health authorities in Brazil say there has been a steep rise in the confirmed cases of dengue fever this year. 巴西的卫生官员称,今年已确诊的登革热病例显著增长。 More than 200,000 people were infected in the first seven weeks of 2013 compared to 70,...

  • 网络搜索是登革热早期检测的主要途径

    11-06-01 Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston and Google.org have found web-based search data to be a viable source of information for early detection and monitoring of outbreaks of dengue(登革热) , an emerging mosquito-borne virus found in tropical a...

  • 黑色紧身裤易招蚊子

    10-08-21 Health authorities in Thailand are urging young women not to wear fashionable black leggings to avoid attracting unwanted attention from dengue-carrying mosquitoes. 泰国卫生部门敦促年轻女性不要穿时髦的黑色紧身裤,以免招来携带登革热病毒的蚊子的叮咬。...

  • 新线索有助抵御登革热

    10-05-07 New clues into how the body fights off the tropical disease dengue fever could help in the search for a vaccine. 人体如何抵御热带疾病登革热所带来的新线索将促进其疫苗的研究工作。 Dengue fever is transmitted by a mosquito bite The research, published...

  • 不能飞的雌性蚊子有助于控制登革热的传播

    10-02-23 A new strain of mosquitoes in which females cannot fly may help curb the transmission of dengue fever(登革热) , according to UC Irvine and British scientists. Dengue fever causes severe flulike symptoms(症状) and is among the world's most pressi...