• deny,reject,refuse

    20-10-31 在这三个词当中,动词 deny 在表示 拒绝 的时候,意思与 reject 和 refuse 的差别较大,所以我们来单独讲解 deny。Deny 主要有两个意思。第一个是 否认,拒绝承认。如果你 deny 某件事情,那么你就否认它是真实的。来举一个例子:They asked if Wang Ping was the one...

  • Apple denies 'exploding' iPhones 苹果否认iPhone“爆炸”一说

    09-08-29 A number of iPhones that reportedly exploded in France were not due to the battery overheating as had been suggested, Apple has said. 苹果公司称,法国发生的一些iPhone爆炸事件不是因为电池过热引起的。 The firm said that all of the handsets they had se...
