• 印尼股市进入熊市

    13-08-20 Indonesia stocks have continued to drop on concerns of slowing economic growth and a widening current account deficit. 受经济增长缓慢以及收支往来账户赤字加大的影响,印度尼西亚股市持续下跌。 The Jakarta Composite Index fell 4.9% on Tuesday, putting i...

  • 澳政府将公布最新预算

    13-05-14 Australia's government is set to unveil its latest budget. 澳大利亚政府将公布其最新预算。 Treasurer Wayne Swan will outline his spending plans, and is expected to say Australia will post its second budget deficit in three years. Analysts expect a de...

  • 奥巴马公布财政赤字削减计划

    11-09-20 US President Barack Obama has outlined plans to reduce the US deficit and to kick-start economic growth. 美国总统奥巴马公布了削减赤字启动经济增长的计划。 At the White House, he proposed cuts to healthcare benefits but said business and the wealthy m...

  • Reining in Budget Deficits

    10-02-01 Remarks of President Barack Obama As Prepared for Delivery Weekly Address January 30, 2010 At this time last year, amidst headlines about banks on the verge of濒临于,接近于 collapse and job losses of 700,000 a month, we received another troubling p...
