• 习近平会见中国驻外大使

    19-07-18 President Xi Jinping on Wednesday met with Chinese diplomatic envoys to foreign countries. 习近平主席周三会见了中国驻外国大使。 On behalf of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committe...

  • 中国与巴拿马正式建交

    17-06-13 China and Panama signed a joint communique Tuesday on the establishment of diplomatic relations. 本周二,中国与巴拿马签署一份建立外交关系的联合声明。 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a meeting in Beijing with Isabel Saint Malo de Alvarado, Pana...

  • 中国与丹麦建交65周年

    15-05-11 Chinese President Xi Jinping and Queen Margrethe II of Denmark on Monday exchanged congratulatory messages to mark the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between their countries. 中国国家主席习近平与丹麦女王玛格丽特二世周一就双...

  • cut off diplomatic ties with 断绝外交关系

    14-03-13 The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday said it was not aware of Gambia's decision to cut off its diplomatic ties with Taiwan, adding it had no contact with authorities in the West African state. 中国外交部周五表示,中国政府对冈比亚决定与台湾断交一事...

  • 芬兰外交部获“蒸汽精神奖”

    11-06-18 本周一,芬兰桑拿协会向芬兰外交部颁发蒸汽精神奖,肯定了芬兰外交官向全世界推广桑拿文化并利用桑拿外交协调国际关系的成就。 Finland's foreign ministry on Monday won the Steam Spirit Prize for promoting sauna(桑拿浴) culture abroad, organisers said, hai...

  • 委内瑞拉与哥伦比亚断绝外交关系

    10-07-23 Venezuela has broken off diplomatic relations with Colombia and ordered Colombian diplomats to leave the country by Sunday. 委内瑞拉断绝与哥伦比亚的外交关系,并下令哥伦比亚大使在周日前离开。 President Hugo Chavez said he had no choice after Colombia...

  • 外交用语&外交官衔

    10-03-24 consulate 领事馆 charg d'affaires 代办 office of the charg d'affaires 代办处 military attach's office 武官处 commercial counsellor's office 商务处 press section, information service 新闻处 liaison office 联络处 diplomat 外交家, 外交官 diplomatic ran...

  • 以色列外交部长访问土耳其 解决外交纠纷

    10-01-18 Israel's defence minister has gone to Turkey for talks, in the wake of a diplomatic row which has further soured relations between the two countries. 以色列国防部长访问土耳其,意图解决导致两国关系恶化的外交纠纷。 The row had threatened to break rela...

  • 土耳其要求以色列就外交纠纷事件致歉

    10-01-13 Turkey has demanded that Israel apologise over what it called the discourteous way its ambassador was treated during a diplomatic meeting. 在一次外交会晤中,土耳其大使遭到以色列大使粗鲁的对待,土耳其要求以色列就此事进行道歉。 One newspaper captioned...

  • 俄罗斯与梵蒂冈建立全面外交关系

    09-12-04 Russia and the Vatican have agreed to establish full diplomatic relations, the Kremlin has announced. 克里姆林宫宣布,俄罗斯与梵蒂冈建立全面外交关系。 Pope Benedict and President Medvedev held talks at the Vatican Until now, Moscow only had an offic...