• dig up dirt 揭老底

    22-03-23 揭老底,中文俗语,揭表示揭露(expose,unmask),揭老底比喻揭露一个人的底细、短处,与英文习语dig up dirt意思相近,表示uncover negative information about someone or something。 例句: 他们试图揭他们政治对手的老底。 They tried to dig up dirt on their p...

  • dirt cheap 非常便宜

    21-12-06 我们脚下踩得泥土和灰尘是不要钱的,所以dirt cheap 像尘土一样廉价的意思是超级便宜,便宜到不能再便宜。这个表达可以用来形容一件东西非常廉价,花不了多少钱就能买到。 例句 At this time of year fruit is dirt cheap. Compared to London, properties in some par...

  • eat/live on dirt/soil 吃土

    21-07-01 吃土这一说法,最初源于2015年双十一购物狂欢节(Double 11 Carnival),表示网购过度,后来延伸到口袋没钱的含义。 其实国外也有这样的说法,eat ones dust,但是它表示的是落后于某人的意思。 例如: If we race, youll eat my dust. 如果我们赛跑的话,你就等着输吧。...

  • A Smugglar 走私犯

    11-12-13 The suspicious-looking man drove up to the border, where he was greeted by a sentry(哨兵) . When the guard looked in the trunk, he was surprised to find six sacks bulging at the seams(缝合线) . What's in here? he asked. Dirt, the driver replied....

  • 适量食用泥土对肚子有益

    11-06-03 Most of us never considered eating the mud pies we made as kids, but for many people all over the world, dining on dirt is nothing out of the ordinary. Now an extensive meta-analysis forthcoming in the June issue of The Quarterly Review of Biology h...

  • The Grotto

    11-05-26 The Grotto Fanny Howe Let's make believe we're lying together on our backs. The lumps(肿块) in the floor are dirt and grass and the blackbirds(画眉) tickle us with their claws until we chirp and laugh. This is fearlessness. The sky wears no bell...
