• 《灰姑娘》第12章

    22-12-21 Kit entered his fathers bedroom. His heart pounded in his ears, and his vision blurred as his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. The curtains had been drawn on the windows of the round chamber. The royal physician was kneeling by the kings b...

  • 在英国药店买药时的常用词语

    22-10-28 在英国药店买药时,我们可能需要向工作人员提供医生开具的处方,但如果病情不算严重或不需要处方药,则可以请药剂师针对不同的症状推荐药物。你会用英语说创可贴、止痛药等常见药物的名称吗?如何表示你想再次取药? 1. The medicine you need is only available if yo...

  • 健康与医药

    22-10-24 身体健康是大家的心愿,但是谁能保证永远健康不去投医问药呢?《英语小测验》让你快速熟悉一些常用健康医药用语,有备无患。 1. I twisted my ankle badly, but luckily the doctor told me it was only ________ not broken so I have had it strapped up. a) bruised...

  • 直接引语和间接引语

    22-10-24 引用他人的话有两种方式:一种是直接引用说话者的原话,这叫直接引语 direct speech;另一种是用自己的话转述说话者的原话,这叫间接引语 reported speech。学习直接引语和间接引语最让人头疼的就是时态的变换。通过这个小测验来学习和检查你对引语时态、句型变换的掌...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 23

    22-09-14 After five months of exile in Sicily, Michael Corleone came finally to understand his fathers character and his destiny. He came to understand men like Luca Brasi, the ruthless caporegime Clemenza, his mothers resignation and acceptance of her role....

  • make no bones about 直言不讳

    22-08-26 今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:make no bones about。Make no bones about就是不管是否会得罪别人,或是让别人感到尴尬,都直言不讳的意思。不过要记住,这里用的是复数bones。我嫂子就是那种有什么说什么的人。 上星期天我们去餐馆吃牛排,服务员问我们是否可口,结...

  • go to the mat 不遗余力,设法解决难题

    22-08-18 Mat是脚垫,地板垫的意思,to go to the mat意思是不遗余力,设法解决难题,往往是为了那些无权无势的小人物的利益。就好像刚才说到的,我们地区的那位市政议员努力说服其他人,不要拆掉我们附近的公园。Im so thankful that hes been willing to go to the mat for my...

  • 美国医生计划在海上建立“漂浮”的堕胎诊所

    22-07-15 美国加利福尼亚州一名医生提议在墨西哥湾建立漂浮的堕胎诊所,以规避墨西哥湾沿岸地区实施的禁止堕胎法。加州大学旧金山分校妇产科医生梅格奥特里计划在联邦水域的船上设立一家诊所,诊所不受州法律管辖,可以提供孕期前14周内的外科堕胎手术、避孕等服务。奥特里称,...