• 大学新生注册的常识

    22-11-10 大学每年都会迎接新生入学。通常新生只有在办理完一系列注册手续后才能正式开始大学生活。在英国,新生入学时都需要办理哪些手续? 1. When you start university you need to complete registration. What might they ask to see during registration? a) your birth...

  • PS 又及,附言

    21-01-31 PS 是 postscript 的缩写形式。Postscript 来自拉丁语 post scriptum,意思是 又及,附言。人们在电子邮件或书信的末尾用以 PS 开头的句子来提供或补充与邮件主题无关的信息。如果在第一条 附言 后,还有要补充的其它内容,则可以在 PS 前再加上一个 P,写成 PPS,依此...

  • 民政部公布儿童寄养家庭评估标准

    19-05-28 China has released a document on the assessment standards of family foster care for children, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. 中国民政部最近公布一份关于儿童寄养家庭的评估标准文件。 The document stipulated certain standards for foster fam...

  • 特朗普金正恩签署“全面性”协议

    18-06-12 Top leader of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump signed a comprehensive agreement here on Tuesday afternoon. 周二下午,朝鲜最高领导人金正恩与美国总统特朗普签署一份全面性协议。 At the signing c...

  • 英文合同必备词汇 1

    16-08-03 1. hereafter after this in sequence or in time, in some future time or state(此后,以下) 例句: Both parties must agree to the terms specified hereunder. 双方均须同意以下条款。 2. hereby by this means(以此方式,以此,特此) 例句: I hereby acknow...

  • 《卫报》:美情报机构曾监听38家使馆和代表团

    13-07-05 One of the bugging methods mentioned is codenamed Dropmire, which according to a 2007 document is 'implanted on the Cryptofax at the EU embassy, DC'. Photograph: Guardian 据英国《卫报》6月30日报道,根据爱德华斯诺登披露的美国家安全局(NSA)绝密文件,...

  • 耶路撒冷出土古老的书面文献

    10-07-13 A tiny clay fragment(碎片) dating from the 14th century B.C.E. that was found in excavations(挖掘,发掘) outside Jerusalem's Old City walls contains the oldest written document ever found in Jerusalem, say researchers at the Hebrew University of...

  • Firms 'mishandle sensitive data' 调查:公司对待敏感资料处理

    09-10-13 About a third of UK employees throw sensitive documents in the bin instead of shredding them, research suggests. 调查显示,英国近三分之一的雇员随手将有敏感信息的文件扔入废纸篓而非用碎纸机粉碎。 Shredding paper containing sensitive information can he...
