• 日常生活中会用到dog的句子 上

    22-04-01 1. to lead a dogs life 形容人过着贫困潦倒、惨不忍睹的生活 Toms been leading a dogs life since he got divorced. 汤姆自离婚后一直过着混沌潦倒的日子。 2. dog-eat-dog 残酷、竞争激烈 Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. 有人说,我们生活在一个...

  • 宠物专属习语 下

    22-03-22 5. pigheaded 说别人猪头倒不是说他笨的意思,pigheaded 形容顽固的,固执的。 He was too pigheaded to listen to reason. 他执迷不悟,听不进道理。 6. make a pigs ear of sth 猪耳朵又是什么意思呢?生活在猪圈里的小猪,总是把周围弄的乱糟糟的,所以这个习语形容...

  • Seeing Eye dog 导盲犬

    22-02-07 导盲犬除了Seeing Eye dog,还可以说guide dog。 guide作名词可以表示指南;指导性的事物;导游,比如: a hotel/wine guide 旅馆/葡萄酒指南 travel guides 旅行手册 a tour guide 导游...

  • 无人机协助寻找走失宠物狗

    21-12-07 Meet Chester. Hes now safely back home with his owner, but a few months ago he went missing for three nights. 这是切斯特。它现在已经安全回家和主人在一起了,但几个月前,它却失踪了三个晚上。 Lea Williams, dog owner I went for a walk up to a local beau...

  • 现在我拥有的,过去做梦都想不到

    21-10-24 现在我拥有的,过去做梦都想不到I think 我想 It would be fair to say that 自己可以以中肯的态度说 my upbringing has not been the most typical. 小时我被教养的方式有些与众不同 Without getting in to too much detail 再次我不想赘述太多细节 l I have had A few...

  • The Bremen Music Band 不莱梅乐队

    21-10-04 There was once an old horse that became so useless that his owner decided to sell him. When the horse found out he decided to run away to Bremen. The horse wanted to join the Bremen band. On his way the horse met an old dog. The horse asked the dog,...

  • A Dog and His Meat 狗和它的肉

    21-10-04 There lived a homeless dog wandering around. Having starved all day, the dog was very hungry. Where can I find something to eat? 附近有一只流浪狗在四处游荡。饿了一整天,这只狗饿坏了。哪里可以找到吃的? While the dog was passing by a butcher shop, th...

  • 与“狗”有关的词汇

    21-10-02 每年,世界各地总会有许多以狗狗 为主题的庆祝活动,比如八月二十六日的Dog Appreciation Day。无论你是否养狗,以下几个词汇可以拉进你与人类好伙伴的距离。回答六个问题,看你是否已掌握与狗有关的基本词汇。 1. What are baby dogs called? a) chicks b) doglings c...

  • take care of、care for、look after

    21-09-17 在一些情况下,搭配 take care of、care for 和 look after 的意思是基本相同的,它们都可以表示 悉心照顾 的意思,比如 照料小孩子、老人、病人和宠物。不过,在表达这个含义的时候,搭配 take care of 和 look after 相对更常用。我们来听三个例句。 Examples My par...

  • on the nose 准确无误,恰到好处

    21-09-10 英语短语 on the nose 用来表示准确无误,恰到好处,常用在谈论数字或钱数的语境里。 例句 A: How much do think my new TV cost? B: 300? A: Yes, on the nose! It cost 300. A: Your mother must be about 60 years old? B: You got it on the nose. Shes 60. But I...