• 电梯关门键纯属摆设

    16-11-30 Most people do not have the patience to wait a few seconds for the elevator doors to shut, so they push the close button to speed up the process. 大多数人没有等待电梯自动关闭的耐心(虽然这个过程只有几秒钟),所以他们按关门键来加快关门速度。 However,...

  • 北京地铁一二号线开始建造站台屏蔽门

    15-04-15 The construction of platform screen doors has begun on Beijing Subway lines one and two, and they are expected to be completed by 2017, authorities of Beijing Subway said on April 14, 2015. 北京地铁管理局4月14日宣布,北京地铁一号线和二号线站台屏蔽门...
