• 《灰姑娘》第7章

    22-12-21 The day of the ball arrived quickly. As the afternoon sun began to sink, Ella found herself running back and forth between her stepsisters and stepmothers rooms, helping the ladies prepare for the evening. Standing in their bright and shiny new gown...

  • hang的常见用法

    22-12-02 hang, HANG 是个多义词,我们下面就来介绍它最常见的用法。 先来单看动词 hang,它最常见的用法是 挂、悬挂,既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词使用,用来表示 物体的顶端附着在另一个物体上面。比如,hang your clothes(挂衣服)。听两个例句。 Examples Please...

  • 表示“使某人做某事”的动词:seat, dress, convince

    22-12-01 当动词及物时,后接直接宾语。比如,问他人是否需要帮助时,说:Can I help you?(我能帮到你吗?) 这里的动词 help 是及物的,因为它的后面有直接宾语 you。但动词 help 也可以不及物,不及物动词 help 后不接直接宾语。比如:Can I help?(我能帮忙吗?) 然而,有...

  • refund 退款

    22-11-14 退款可以说refund,这个词既可以做名词,也可以做动词用。 比如,名词例句: You can return the dress and ask for a refund. 亲可以把裙子退了,然后申请退款哦。 做动词用时,后面接的宾语既可以是钱,也可以是人: If youre not delighted with your purchase, we...

  • 关于朋友的表达

    22-09-21 1 bestie闺蜜 例句: One of my besties bought me this amazing dress. 这条漂亮的裙子是我的闺蜜买给我的。 2 partner in crime死党 例句: We always get in trouble together. Youre my partner in crime! 我们总是一起闯祸。你真是我的死党! 3 all-weather frien...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 75

    22-07-22 Next day Philip was in a good temper. He was very anxious not to bore Mildred with too much of his society, and so had arranged that he should not see her till dinner-time. She was ready when he fetched her, and he chaffed her for her unwonted punct...

  • hesitate in speech 吞吞吐吐

    22-06-24 吞吞吐吐,汉语成语,意思是想说但又不痛痛快快地说,形容说话有顾虑。可以翻译为hesitate in speech (speaking),prevaricate。 例句: 她对她那件衣服花了多少钱有点吞吞吐吐。 She was a little coy about how much her dress cost. 别吞吞吐吐的,有话快说吧。 Sto...

  • 什么样的人值得尊重?

    22-03-07 1. They Dress Well - Im not someone to judge someone for a brand they wear, but I do take notice of a guy or gal who consistently looks fly. My dad used to tell me to dress for the job I desire, not the job I have. I think that applies here. 穿着得...

  • Sick. 形容很棒,很好。

    22-01-25 Sick. 形容很棒,很好。 这并不是我们平时学的生病的那个词语,在俚语中,它表示是很棒很好的意思。 例句: The new phone is so sick. 这个新手机很赞。 Oh!This dress is so sick. 噢!这件衣服非常好看。 That dialogue from that movie is so sick. 那段电影的对...