• a figment of somebody's imagination 某人凭空想象的东西

    21-07-12 A figment of somebodys imagination 的意思是一个人凭空想象的事物。它着重强调虽然一个人觉得某事物是真实的,但其在现实中并不存在,仅仅是臆造的东西。它可用于描述人、人的思想和事物。 例句 A: Do you think Mary is interested in me? A: 你觉得玛莉是不是对我...

  • in the driving seat 掌握主导权

    21-07-08 在英语中,驾驶座叫做driving seat,而副驾驶座则是front passenger seat。在车上,司机是直接控制车辆及掌握行驶方向和速度的人。因此,在谈论和职场有关的话题时,我们则可以用表达in the driving seat 坐在驾驶座上来比喻某人处于主导地位或负责全盘工作。 例句 Mar...

  • 无人驾驶汽车

    21-02-27 I passed my driving test at the fourth attempt. You might think that means Im not as safe as someone who passed first time. But would you feel safer with no driver at all? Maybe not, and its for this reason that automotive firms have included driver...

  • designated driving 代驾

    21-01-10 喝酒不开车,开车找代驾。近年来,随着人们交通安全意识的提升,代驾服务逐渐流行起来。代驾,是指专业人员驾驶车主的车将其送至指定地点并收取一定费用的行为。可以翻译为designated driving/be a designated driver,也可以用chauffeur service或chauffeuring表示。...

  • 70岁以上的人员可以申请驾照

    20-10-23 China will allow citizens over 70 to apply for driving licenses, on condition that their health meets the requirements for safe driving, the Ministry of Public Security announced. 公安部表示,身体条件达到安全驾驶要求的情况下,70岁以上的人员可以申请...

  • 英国或将批准无人驾驶汽车上路

    20-10-11 Nasty conditions on the roads today, so would you hand over the control of your car to a computer? 今天的路况很糟糕,那么你会把汽车的控制权交给一台电脑吗? So, hands-free. At a private test track, with no other traffic, I tried out the technology as...

  • 英语笑话 我在开车吗?

    20-03-17 坐在车里的女士发现她们连闯了几个红灯,问开车的女司机,结果女司机却说:哦,我在开车吗? After a few more minutes they came to another intersection and the light was red again and again they went right though. This time the woman in the passenger seat...

  • 贝克汉姆开车时用手机被禁驾六个月

    19-05-10 David Beckham has been banned from driving for six months for using a mobile phone while behind the wheel of his Bentley. 大卫贝克汉姆驾驶他的宾利时使用手机被禁驾六个月。 A prosecutor said a member of the public spotted the former Manchester United...

  • 菲利普亲王决定放弃驾照

    19-02-11 Prince Philip has decided to stop driving at the age of 97, Buckingham Palace said Saturday. 97岁的菲利普亲王决定不再开车。 Prosecutors said they would consider the decision as they decide whether to charge the husband of Queen Elizabeth II over the...

  • 沙特女性可以自由开车

    18-06-25 Saudi women are in the drivers seat for the first time in their country and steering their way through busy city streets just minutes after the worlds last remaining ban on women driving was lifted on Sunday. 世界上最后一个国家的女性禁驾周天刚解除,...