• 无人驾驶电动卡车在天津成功测试

    18-04-13 A domestically-developed self-driving electric truck has successfully completed testing at the Tianjin Port on Thursday. 一辆自主研发的无人驾驶电动卡车周四在天津港成功完成测试。 The truck, equipped with laser radar, high-definition camera, and intel...

  • 北京公布无人驾驶汽车初步草案

    18-02-04 Authorities in Beijing have released initial regulations concerning the road testing of self-driving vehicles, reports Beijing Daily. 《北京日报》报道,北京市政府已公布无人驾驶汽车路试的初步草案。 The regulations were released by Beijing Municipal C...

  • 阿里自动驾驶领域取得重大进展

    18-01-16 Alibaba appears to be making significant strides in autonomous driving technology, reports thepaper.cn. 澎湃新闻网报道,阿里巴巴似乎在自动驾驶技术领域取得重大进展。 Research by Alibabas autonomous driving team iDST has made it to the KITTI list, whi...

  • 长期驾车会加速大脑老化

    17-08-13 Driving for more than two hours a day negatively affects IQ levels, scientists have warned. 科学家警告称,每日驾驶时间超过2小时会对智商产生消极影响。 In what might come as unwelcome news for middle-aged commuters, a recent study found that long peri...

  • drum driving 打鼓式驾驶

    16-06-23 Drum driving describes the situation when a person is driving while listening to music, and rhythmically tapping on the steering wheel, as if playing the drums to the beat of the music. 打鼓式驾驶(drum driving)指开车时听着音乐,一边用手有节奏地敲...

  • 上海警方公布36名终生禁驾人

    16-04-06 Shanghai police on Tuesday released a list of 36 citizens who have been banned from driving for life. 上海警方周二公布了一份包含36人的终生禁驾名单。 This is the first time the local police have publicly shamed the drivers by publishing a list of tho...

  • 阿拉莫岗哨

    16-03-09 I had just moved to San Antonio, Texas. I had gotten a job working for the tour bus service that would take tourists on a short tour of the city's historic places and would end up at the Alamo. It was near closing time and I was driving back from my...

  • 河南云台山发现金钱豹踪迹

    16-02-18 It appears an endangered leopard and her two cubs were spotted in the Yuntai Mountain area in central China's Henan Province. 中国中部省区河南云台山似乎发现了一只濒危金钱豹与两只幼仔的踪迹。 A photo was captured on Monday by a man surnamed Qian, who...

  • 全球10大奇葩驾驶法规

    15-08-16 Wearing a bikini? Carry a weapon Kentucky is a landlocked state in the US, but it has its share of beaches and public swimming pools. Women are allowed to wear a swimsuit while driving, but only if they are carrying a weapon for self-defence. Failin...

  • 研究:女性比男性更精通驾驶

    15-05-20 A study has found that women really are more proficient behind the wheel they just lack the confidence to say it. 一项研究发现,在驾驶方面女性比男性更精通但是她们却没信心说出来。 When put through their paces, women motorists comfortably beat men in...