• 无人机将会取代哪些人类工作领域

    16-05-24 Google and Amazon were quick to put drones to use delivering orders. 谷歌和亚马逊已经开始用无人机送货,反应神速。 But new research suggests delivery is just one small way drones are going to replace humans. The tiny airborne vessels will soon clean...

  • 荷兰警方训练老鹰来“捕猎”无人机

    16-02-13 The Dutch are using an ingenious, low-cost, totally organic solution to the country's increasing drone problem -- they're having eagles trained to attack the flying machine as they would their usual prey. 如今,无人机引发的问题日益严重,荷兰警方不得...

  • 上海消防部门将使用无人机协助灭火

    16-01-29 Firefighters in Shanghai are to start using drones to help them in their difficult task. 上海消防部门将在执行困难任务的时候使用无人机。 The Shanghai Fire Department will be the first public security force in China to have access to drone support 24...

  • 遥控飞机或将取代手机成自拍利器

    14-12-28 According to French drone manufacturer Parrot, the burgeoning popularity of the remote-controlled miniature aircraft is being fuelled by narcissism as people buy drones fitted with cameras in order to film themselves. 法国无人机制造厂商帕罗表示,因...

  • 美国公布六处商用无人机测试场所

    13-12-31 The US aviation regulator has announced the six states that will host sites for testing commercial use of drones. 美国航空监管部门宣布,国内六个州将可以测试使用商用无人机。 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) picked Alaska, Nevada, New York, N...

  • 亚马逊正在试验用无人机送货

    13-12-02 Amazon, the world's largest online retailer, is testing unmanned drones to deliver goods to customers, according to Chief Executive Jeff Bezos. 亚马逊世界上最大的在线零售商董事长杰夫贝索斯称,亚马逊正在测试使用无人飞机向顾客运送货物。 Amazon said it...

  • 波音将一架退役F16改造为无人机

    13-09-25 Boeing has revealed that it has retrofitted retired fighter jets to turn them into drones. 波音公司透露,该公司将一架退役F16战机翻新改造为无人机。 The pilotless jet flew over the Gulf of Mexico on the test carried out on 19 September It said that on...

  • 德国启用无人机监控铁路站点夜间涂鸦

    13-06-02 德国铁路公司计划于近期在各铁路站点区域试飞配备了红外相机的无人机,用以监控各区内公物在夜间被涂鸦或损毁的情况,并收集相关证据以便对破坏者进行处罚。 Germany's national railway company, Deutsche Bahn, plans to test small drones to try to reduce the amo...

  • 谷歌出资赞助濒危物种保护

    12-12-07 Drones could soon be helping protect rhinos, tigers and elephants in Africa and Asia, thanks to cash from Google. 得益于谷歌的资金援助,无人机很快将用于保护非洲与亚洲的犀牛、老虎和大象。 Controlled via a tablet computer, the small autonomous aircraf...

  • 美国将在利比亚部署武装侦察记

    11-04-22 Armed US Predator drones are to carry out missions over Libya, Defence Secretary Robert Gates has said. 美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨称,掠夺者号武装侦察机将要在利比亚领空执行任务。 Mr Gates said their use had been authorised by President Barack Obama and...