• go to the ends of the earth 走遍天涯海角

    22-11-28 表达 go to the ends of the earth 可以用来描述某人 走遍天涯海角,走过很远的距离,但同时它也可以用来比喻某人 尽一切可能或竭尽全力(做某事),从而实现梦想或达到预期目标。 例句 I will go to the ends of the earth to complete this project on time and on b...

  • 科学家在英威尔士发现最早野火证据

    22-11-28 考古学家在英国威尔士发现了有记录以来最早的野火证据。这个证据以烧焦残余物的形式存在于极为古老的泥岩中。 Go back to whats known as the Silurian Period and Earth looked very different from today. What is now the UK, wouldve been south of the Equator. A...

  • 几个关于冬至的趣味小知识

    21-12-22 1. THE WORD SOLSTICE TRANSLATES TO SUN STAND STILL. 冬至英文solstice的意思是太阳静止不动 Solstice derives from the Latin term solstitium, containing sol, which means sun, and the past participle stem of sistere, meaning to make stand. This comes fro...

  • the salt of the earth 诚实善良的人

    21-12-14 在英语里,我们可以用 salt of the earth 来形容一个人接人处事诚恳正直,是一位诚实善良的人。 例句 Annie is the salt of the earth. Despite all her own troubles she is the first to offer help to do the chores for her elderly neighbour. I didnt realize th...

  • world-shaking 惊天动地

    21-12-07 惊天动地,汉语成语,字面意思是使天地惊动(shaking heaven and earth)。形容某个事件的声势或意义极大。可以翻译为world-shaking,tremendous或astounding等。 例句: 创造惊天动地的奇迹 Create incredible wonders 惊天动地的伟业 Earth-shaking feat...

  • brings you back down to earth 回到现实

    21-09-02 某事 brings you back down to earth 的意思就是这件事情使你从幻想中清醒过来,回到现实中。 例句 I was dreaming of a safari holiday in Tanzania to see the elephants, the cheetahs, the hippos then I looked at my bank balance and it brought me back down t...

  • flood in 铺天盖地

    21-05-08 铺天盖地,汉语成语,字面意思是blanket the earth and eclipse the sky,形容来势猛,声势大,到处都是。可以翻译为come in large quantities或flood in。 例句: 电视里的广告铺天盖地,令人眼花缭乱。 TV commercials flooded in and dazzled their audience....

  • 4月22日 世界地球日

    21-04-22 4月22日是世界地球日,我们能为地球母亲做些什么呢?最简单的方式就是践行绿色生活,比如多吃蔬果,少用塑料,回收利用等等。如果每个人都做出小小行动,就能带来大大的改变。 Conduct a plastic audit 在地球日这天做一次塑料审计 EarthDay.org suggests that every h...

  • down to earth 接地气、务实

    21-04-19 Down to earth 是一个含有褒义的短语,用来描述一个人性格谦逊、为人友善、踏实务实。当它被用在名词前作定语使用时,down to earth 的词与词之间则应加上连字符,变成合成词 down-to-earth脚踏实地的,实在的。 例句 After winning the lottery and becoming a millio...

  • 别岁

    21-02-18 别岁 Farewell to the Old Year 作者:苏轼 翻译:许渊冲 故人适千里,临别尚迟迟。 When an old friend is to go far away, Long, long will he linger before he parts. 人行犹可复,岁行那可追。 Though gone away, he may come back someday. Where can we find th...