• 玉兔二号月球车在月背留下“脚印”

    19-01-04 Chinas lunar rover, Yutu-2, or Jade Rabbit-2, left the first ever footprint from a human spacecraft on the far side of the moon late at night on Thursday, after it separated from the lander smoothly. 中国的玉兔二号月球车周四晚间从着陆器上平稳分离后...

  • 漫威发布《惊奇队长》预告片2

    18-12-06 The second trailer for the upcoming addition to Marvels Cinematic Universe, Captain Marvel, has been released. 漫威电影宇宙《惊奇队长》第二支预告片已经发布。 Brie Larson stars as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel in the 1990s-set stand-alone movie, and e...

  • 中国与巴西明年将发射一颗地球资源卫星

    18-11-23 China and Brazil will launch a new Earth resource satellite next year, according to an official with the China National Space Administration. 中国国家航天局一位官员表示,中国与巴西明年将发射一颗新地球资源卫星。 The new satellite, the China-Brazil Ea...

  • 中国将于2019发射嫦娥5号月球探测器

    18-04-25 China plans to launch the Change-5 lunar probe next year, which is expected to bring lunar samples back to the Earth. 中国计划于明年发射嫦娥5号月球探测器,该探测器将携带月球标本返回地球。 While addressing a space conference Tuesday, Chinas Space Day...

  • 天宫一号极小可能对地面造成破坏

    18-04-01 Chinas first space lab Tiangong-1 will mostly be burnt up in the atmosphere and its highly unlikely to cause any damage on the ground, according to an article published by China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO) recently. 中国载人航天工程办公...

  • 美宇航局招募“行星保卫官” 年薪18.7万

    17-08-06 Nasa is hiring someone who can defend Earth from alien contamination. 美国国家航天局(NASA)正在招募新成员,负责保护地球免受外来入侵。 The full-time role of planetary protection officer will involve ensuring that humans in space do not contaminate p...

  • 成龙将为BBC纪录片配音

    17-07-13 Chinas kung fu superstar Jackie Chan will become the voice of nature documentary Earth: One Amazing Day for Chinese audiences. 中国功夫巨星成龙将为自然纪录片《地球:神奇的一天》录制中文配音。 Earth: One Amazing Day, directed by Peter Webber (The Gir...

  • 太阳系外发现一颗可能有生命的超级地球

    17-05-06 Point a high-powered telescope at the constellation Cetus, the sea monster, and it is just possible to make out a dim red dwarf star shining in the tail. 使用高倍率望远镜观察鲸鱼座(Ceuts,名为海怪),也只能勉强看到星座尾部有一颗昏暗的红矮星在发光。...

  • 芭蕾作品《大地的咏叹与起舞》下月来到中国

    17-04-13 Renowned American dancer and choreographer John Neumeier will bring his new work Dance and Song of the Earth to China next month. 著名美国舞蹈家、编舞大师约翰诺伊梅尔下月将携其新作品《大地的咏叹与起舞》来到中国。 The ballet, a combination of Neumeie...

  • 科学家发现人类起源于外星的证据

    17-04-10 The notion that life on Earth has alien origins is nothing new, but a pair of researchers believe that they have cracked an ancient code which prove that life was planted on Earth by extraterrestrial beings. 地球生命起源的外星说并不新鲜,但是两名研...