• 报纸行业词汇 从业人员

    16-08-22 interviewee 采访对象 interviewer 采访人员 reporter 新闻报道者 journalist 新闻记者 * Journalist指实地采访收集新闻事件的相关信息,进行深入分析并写出相关新闻报道的工作人员;reporter则指收集某个新闻事件的相关信息并将其通过音频或视频的形式展示出来的工作...

  • Giving you a new start 让你重新获得新生

    16-04-22 One day Mark Twain read an announcement of his death in a newspaper. He hastened to the editor to protect. I am very sorry, the editor replied. Its a terrible mistake, but its too late to do much about it. The best thing I can do for you is to put y...

  • 曾被搬上银幕的十大畅销书 下

    15-05-02 6: ANGELS AND DEMONS (2000) Angels and Demons is a 2000 best-selling mystery-thriller novel written by Dan Brown. Robert Langdon discovered a brotherhood called Illuminati. This anti-Christ underground movement creates a viral frenzy in the Vatican...

  • 《纽约时报》总编辑阿布拉姆松被撤职

    14-05-15 In a surprise move, the New York Times newspaper has announced that it has replaced executive editor Jill Abramson with immediate effect. 《纽约时报》出人意料地宣布,立即撤掉执行编辑吉尔阿布拉姆松的职务。 Dean Baquet, 57, the paper's managing editor...

  • An Accurate Report 准确的报道

    14-04-14 An editor stuck up a notice above his desk. It read, Accuracy! Accuracy! Accuracy! and he always pointed it out to the new reporters. One day a young reporter came to hand in his report of a public meeting. The editor read it through and noticed the...

  • 维基百科否认大量编辑流失

    09-11-30 Wikipedia has disputed claims that it has lost a huge number of editors that help maintain the online encyclopaedia. 维基百科否认了其失去许多帮忙维持在线百科编辑的传言。 The online encyclopaedia invites anyone to edit entries On 26 November it was r...

  • A Bad Impression 坏印象

    09-09-29 My husband and I are both writers. During dinner conversations, we often tell our children about our working days. It wasn't clear how much they absorbed until one day I overheard my seven-year- old, Lucy, cry out in frustration at her five-year-old...
