• 雌椿象根据环境改变卵的颜色

    15-07-29 Stink bug mothers will lay darker or lighter eggs depending on how much light is reflecting off of a surface. The newly discovered adaptation is likely related to how some species of stink bugs are able to deposit their eggs on top of leaves, as the...

  • 选美新标准:锁骨放鸡蛋

    15-06-28 Quirky figure-testing challenges on social media have become unlikely criteria in a beauty pageant in China. 社交媒体兴起的另类身材测试挑战竟已成为中国一个选美大赛的标准。 Women are required to balance eggs on their collarbones and touch their navel...

  • 色氨酸可以让人变得更慷慨

    15-02-08 A compound found in eggs makes people much more generous, new research suggests. 最新研究表明,鸡蛋中含有的化合物可以让人变得更慷慨。 Scientists say that tryptophan, an amino acid found in some foods, can change our behavior. In experiments they fou...

  • 某男子意外成为鸭妈妈

    14-05-11 日前一名男子意外成为13只小鸭的妈妈,因为他是这些小鸭破壳而出时看到的第一个移动的东西。 A man accidentally became a mother to 13 ducklings when their eggs hatched and he was the first moving object they saw. The process, known as imprinting, is a for...

  • 女性卵细胞染色体错误率高的原因

    14-03-19 A new study from the University of Southampton has provided scientists with a better understanding of why chromosome errors are high in women's eggs. It is estimated that up to 60 per cent of eggs are affected by errors in how their chromosomes divi...

  • 美国公司欲将人造鸡蛋推向全球

    14-02-20 美国公司Hampton Creek近日在得到亚洲首富李嘉诚的赞助后,打算将其人造鸡蛋推向全球。这种由植物蛋白加工制作而成的人造鸡蛋可以取代蛋糕、蛋黄酱等食品里所需的鸡蛋,且整个生产过程都无需鸡的参与。目前,在美国加利福尼亚的一些食品超市已经有售。 A radical 'arti...

  • 凉菜类英文译名5

    13-07-18 糖醋白菜墩 Sweet and Sour Chinese Cabbage 糖蒜 Pickled Sweet Garlic 跳水木耳 Black Fungus with Pickled Capsicum 瓦窑鸡 Barbecued Chicken 乌龙吐珠 Sea Cucumber with Quail Eggs 五彩酱鹅肝 Goose Liver with White Gourd 五味九孔 Fresh Abalone in Spicy Sa...

  • 2.7亿年历史的鲨鱼骨骼中发现绦虫卵化石

    13-01-31 A cluster of tapeworm(绦虫) eggs discovered in 270-million-year-old fossilized shark feces suggests that intestinal(肠的) parasites in vertebrates are much older than previously known, according to research published January 30 in the open acces...

  • 柠檬粟米蛋糕

    12-12-03 6oz/175g unsalted butter, softened 8oz/225g caster sugar 7oz/200g ground almonds 3 large eggs Zest of 4 whole lemons and juice of 1 4oz/115g polenta 1 tsp baking powder Pinch of salt * Preheat the oven to 325F/160C/gas mark 3. Line an 8 (20cm) tin w...

  • 柠檬蛋黄酱三文鱼蛋糕

    12-12-02 Mashed potato 200g (use leftovers or buy ready-made) Tinned red salmon 200g, bones and skin removed Spring onions 2, finely sliced Egg 1, beaten Flour Breadcrumbs 4tbsp Oil for frying Mayonnaise 3tbsp mixed with tbsp lemon juice Mix the mash, salmon...