• 青海两座太阳能发电厂开始运营

    18-12-30 Two solar power bases in northwest Chinas Qinghai Province, with a total installed power generating capacity of 1 GW, were launched and connected to the grid Saturday. 青海省两座太阳能发电厂周六与国家电网并网,总装机功率发电量十亿瓦。 Each of the tw...

  • 英国科学家利用尿液为手机充电

    16-07-25 British scientists have created a new way to charge smartphones - using urine. 英国科学家发明了一种为智能手机充电的新方式利用尿液。 Researchers have revealed a new system which transforms urine into electricity using a microbial fuel cell. Just over...