• 利用二氧化碳发电

    13-07-25 A new method for producing electricity from carbon dioxide could be the start of a classic trash-to-treasure story for the troublesome greenhouse gas, scientists are reporting. Described in an article in ACS' newly launched journal Environmental Sci...

  • 利用废水中的微生物发电

    12-08-14 Engineers at Oregon State University have made a breakthrough in the performance of microbial fuel cells that can produce electricity directly from wastewater, opening the door to a future in which waste treatment plants not only will power themselv...

  • 铂不适合用来制作燃料电池

    12-07-13 Fuel cells are inefficient because the catalyst most commonly used to convert chemical energy to electricity is made of the wrong material, a researcher at Case Western Reserve University argues. Rather than continue the futile effort to tweak that...

  • 盖茨投资110万研究“情绪手镯”

    12-06-18 Microsoft supremo Bill Gates wants to fit school students with mood bracelets to measure how interested they are in their lessons. 微软创始人比尔盖茨正研制一款适用于学生的情绪手镯,来检测他们对上课内容有多感兴趣。 The Bill and Melinda Gates foundati...

  • 伯克利实验室利用病毒发电

    12-05-15 Imagine charging your phone as you walk, thanks to a paper-thin generator embedded in the sole(鞋底) of your shoe. This futuristic scenario is now a little closer to reality. Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley Nation...

  • 美国研制出手提箱核电站

    11-09-03 美国能源部爱达荷国家实验室的科学家研制出一种手提箱大小的核电站,能够在火星、月球或者任何外太空基地发电,发电量为40千瓦,。美国宇航局已考虑将这种微型核电站用于氧气或氢气发生器的电力支持,另外也可用于有人或无人电子侦察设备的电力供应。 Humans might not...

  • 德国建成世界最强磁场

    11-06-29 Rossendorf set a new world record for magnetic fields with 91.4 teslas. To reach this record, Sergei Zherlitsyn and his colleagues at the High Magnetic Field Laboratory Dresden (HLD) developed a coil(线圈) weighing about 200 kilograms in which ele...

  • 塞内加尔民众抗议电力短缺

    11-06-28 Protests have broken out in the Senegalese capital Dakar and in the southern city of Mbour over continuing power shortages. 连续不断的电力短缺造成塞内加尔首都达喀尔以及南部城市姆布尔爆发大规模抗议活动。 In Dakar, several government buildings were se...

  • 奥巴马演讲 建设21世纪清洁能源经济3

    11-04-17 And so the idea of a smart grid is, if you can hook up a national electricity grid that is state of the art and it has switches and computer monitors that are able to help regulate the flow of electricity to the places that need it when they need it...

  • 废气发电研究取得突破

    11-01-19 Researchers at Northwestern University have placed nanocrystals of rock salt into lead telluride(碲化铅) , creating a material that can harness electricity from heat-generating items such as vehicle exhaust systems(排气系统) , industrial process...