• 南非将削减34%的二氧化碳排放

    09-12-08 South Africa has committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 34% by 2020, but says it will need financial aid from developed countries to do so. 南非决定在2020年以前将二氧化碳排放削减34%,但是称必须依靠发达国家的财政支持。 Coal-fired power station...

  • 美国将调整温室气体排放

    09-12-08 The US government has declared that greenhouse gases threaten human health. 美国政府宣布温室气体威胁到人类健康。 The move could allow the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to order cuts in emissions散发,排放物 without the approval of Congres...

  • 研究:少吃肉既健康又环保

    09-11-28 Cutting meat production and consumption by 30 percent would help to reduce carbon emissions and improve health in the most meat-loving nations, scientists said on Wednesday. 科学家于本周三称,如果将最爱食肉国家的肉类生产和消费量减少30%,那么将有助于...

  • 中国宣布温室气体排放目标

    09-11-27 China has unveiled its first firm target for limiting greenhouse gas emissions, two weeks before a global summit on climate change in Copenhagen. 哥本哈根全球气候变化峰会召开前两周之际,中国首次宣布了限制温室气体排放的坚定目标。 Beijing said it woul...

  • 富裕国家应对保护亚马逊森林提供资金支持

    09-11-27 Nine nations in the Amazon region have called on rich countries to provide poorer nations with the funds to preserve forests. 亚马逊地区九个国家呼吁富裕国家向贫穷国家提供资金支持以保护森林。 Greenpeace activists staged protests in Manaus during the...

  • 澳大利亚政府达成二氧化碳排放协议

    09-11-24 The Australian government has struck a deal with opposition leaders on a revised carbon trading scheme. 澳大利亚政府与在野党首领达成一项修订版的二氧化碳排放协议。 The emissions trading scheme (ETS), aimed at reducing Australia's carbon footprint, is...

  • 美国将宣告二氧化碳排放标准

    09-11-24 The US will announce a target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions before next month's UN climate summit, according to a White House official. 白宫官方文件显示,美国将会在下个月联合国气候峰会召开之前宣布温室气体排放量的目标。 US draft legislation i...

  • 警戒:全球气温将上升6华氏度

    09-11-18 Average temperatures across the world are on course to rise by up to 6C without urgent action to curb CO2 emissions, according a new analysis. 一项新调查显示,如果不对二氧化碳的排放进行紧急控制的话,全球平均气温将上升6华氏温度。 Fossil fuel emission...

  • Planes 'to reset climate targets' 英国:航空业发展需要重设环

    09-09-09 The UK may have to cut emissions of greenhouse gases by 90% by 2050 so the aviation sector can continue to grow. 英国需要在2050年以前将温室气体的排放缩减90%以促进航空业的继续发展。 The rest of the economy may have to make space for aviation emission...

  • 'Artificial trees' to cut carbon “人工森林”降低碳排放

    09-08-27 Engineers say a forest of 100,000 artificial trees could be deployed within 10 to 20 years to help soak up the world's carbon emissions. 工程师称一块有10万棵人造树木的森林将来未来10至20年内部署完毕以帮助解决世界上碳排放问题。 Algae units could be de...