• methanol-fueled cars 甲醇汽车

    12-11-13 China's industrial authority said Tuesday that it will introduce trials for methanol-fueled cars in three provincial level regions starting this month, signaling the world's second largest economy's resolution to boost greener economic growth. 中国...

  • 货船进港时限速能降低空气污染

    12-10-25 Putting a speed limit on cargo ships as they sail near ports and coastlines could cut their emission of air pollutants by up to 70 percent, reducing the impact of marine shipping on Earth's climate and human health, scientists have found. Their eval...

  • low-carbon economy 低碳经济

    11-10-11 The National Development and Reform Commission has confirmed the government will take concrete actions to develop a low-carbon economy after it pledged to substantially reduce carbon intensity at last year's Copenhagen Conference. 国家发展与改革委员...

  • 捷豹路虎将建低排放发动机工厂

    11-09-19 Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) is to invest 355m to build low emission engines at a site near Wolverhampton, the firm announced. 捷豹路虎公司宣布,将在伍尔夫汉普顿某地投资3.55亿英镑建造一座低排放发动机工厂。 Jaguar's new C-X16 sports car was unveiled in Fr...

  • 乳牛场温室气体排放详细数据

    11-07-20 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists have produced the first detailed data on how large-scale dairy(乳品的) facilities contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases. This research was conducted by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) s...

  • 缩小半导体晶片尺寸以加快其速度

    10-12-15 The manufacturing of semiconductor wafers(半导体薄片) used in all types of electronics involves etching(蚀刻) small features onto a wafer with lasers, a process that is ultimately limited by the wavelength of the light itself. The semiconductor...

  • 斯特恩:哥本哈根峰会无果乃某些国家“傲慢”所致

    10-03-17 The disappointing outcome of December's climate summit was largely down to arrogance on the part of rich countries, according to Lord Stern. 斯特恩爵士称,去年12月哥本哈根环境峰会令人失望的结局,其根本原因是某些富裕国家的傲慢所致。 Western nations f...

  • 联合国气候峰会协议即将达成

    09-12-18 A deal at the UN climate summit looks more likely following a frantic day of behind the scenes diplomacy. 联合国气候峰会在经历了幕后外交手段的混乱的一天之后,很可能达成某项协议。 He Yafei says China is willing to engage on emissions monitoring China...

  • 航空业碳减排目标:2050年减半

    09-12-12 国际航空运输协会在哥本哈根会议期间公布了航空业的减排目标,承诺到2050年,该行业的碳排量将比2005年减少50%。航空公司、机?⒖罩泻叫蟹?窆┯ι毯椭圃焐痰刃?岢稍本?信担旱?020年,年均燃效提高1.5%;从2020年开始,稳定碳排放,达到碳中和增长;到2050年,碳排...

  • 美减排新举为气候峰会打气

    09-12-12 在哥本哈根气候峰会举行之际,美国环境保护署宣布将温室气体列为对人体健康有害的气体,此举受到了15000名来自各国的与会代表的欢迎。环保署的这一决定使得美国政府在国会尚未通过限制温室气体排放立法的情况下,仍然能够要求企业采取减排措施。美国是唯一一个没有签署...